Tal'set Tan'Celle'Nyo | |
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Quote: | "While yer down there, you minding getting yer blood off ma' moccasins?" |
IC Information | |
Race: | Human (Mexican Amazon descent) |
Gender/Sexuality: | Female/Lesbian |
Age: | 25 |
Birth Date: | July 14th |
Birth Place: | Latin America |
Height: | 7' |
Blood Type: | A+ |
Hair Color: | Brunette |
Eye Color: | Hazel |
Current Residence: | Unknown |
Religion: | Shamanic |
Occupation: | Trainer at Kage-Ryu School of the Silent Arts |
Romantic Status: | Attached (Chiron) |
Preferences | |
Hobbies: | Body building, sparring, sharpening her axe |
Favorite things: | Melee weapons, Mashed Potatoes |
Likes: | Sports, fighting styles, learning new ways to start fights |
Dislikes: | Arrogant people, wimps, narcissism, racism, faeries |
OOC Information | |
Source: | Based on Turok |
Tal'Set is an Amazon warrior who has gotten the broad and unpleasant reputation in Yuriba of being nothing but an imbecile, a trouble maker, and a bully. This is probably related to her history of threatening others with her axe or physically attacking them.
Contents |
Early Life
Little is know about the history of this Amazon as few bother themselves to ask, let alone approach her, and even fewer can understand her very crude and barbaric dialect. She repeatedly makes references to the ‘Blue Coats’ with their long knives as her life long enemies.
As stated before Tal'set's past is somewhat of a mystery. But it is without a doubt filled with conflict, struggle and war. What speculations have been made of her is that she may have hailed from some sort of island and many people assume that by as a barbarian she is of Scandinavian descent (even if her features negate this possibility).
The truth is that she is Native American, though she has not mentioned the name of her tribe or if she is from a reservation. The fact that when she gets angry she spews out Spanish cuss words means that she is most likely from somewhere in Latin America, or has at least spent time there.
When she speaks of her youth she often describes with excruciating detail battles reminiscent that of Little Big Horn where she claims to have cut down the fabled Red Snake's brother. When asked who this fellow is she merely says she cannot recall what his napikwan people called him.
On rare occasions, rumors and tales would fly through Yuriba speaking of Tal'set performing various feats of strength such as slaying cougars and buffaloes with her bare fists, winning brutal fighting tournaments and being an undefeated underground fighter. These rumors are often accompanied by hushed annoyed whispers of how they could let such a brute into the island.
Due to her speech, a keen mind can tell that she has also dealt or associated with gangs as well since street slang and double meaning words pollute her already crude dialect, confusing even the most intelligent people. This would also explain why she sometimes composes short raps and her tribal dances look a lot like break dancing.
Exactly how Tal'set got so strong and skilled in battle however remains unclear. No one knows and no one seems to care as long as she stays out of people's way.
Tal'set also has not explained why exactly she prefers her own gender, but her actions in Yuriba indicate that she seems to harbor a grudge towards men.
Truly a disturbing individual, she decided to stay in the island despite not fitting in at all – wherever she goes chaos and destruction is sure to follow, much to everyone's displeasure. What few pieces of information have been collected shows that when she first arrived to Yuriba she asked for information about what seemed to be the meaning of anime, something about a survey.
Things started to go downhill from day one for the warrior as her welcoming party consisted of the locals at the village center throwing cursed Jusenkyou water on her that turned into a squirrel after her barbarian ways failed to go over well. To everyone's amusement (except hers of course) the amazon shrieked and wandered the island for hours without having any idea of how to reverse it, when she finally did the girls just splashed her with cold water again and laughed at her despair.
A kind soul by the name of Kiki took pity on her and showed her to remove the curse but unfortunately just as Tal'set thought she had made her first ally, Kiki proved to be highly slippery and she barely got to see her.
Originally Tal'set had just traveled to the island to get some questions answered but the incident had humiliated the amazon in front of a dozen people and her warrior spirit demanded retaliation. The next day Tal'set had set up a temporary outpost in the wilderness where she planned to build a teepee to plan her counter attack. Fortunately breisleach told her that there were some apartments were she could stay, which appeased her somewhat.
This triggered a series of events that would lead Tal'set into having the reputation that she has now of being a savage brute. She immediately managed to get on the bad side of Coral which in turn made everyone over at the Hot Springs hate and/or fear her including Nezuma and Gaz, among others. With her dialect getting worse by the day and her list of enemies getting longer and longer, even with her skill, it would have been just a matter of time before the amazon left the island in tears and licking her wounds. That was, until she met Zana.
It occurred to her that she had been looking at the Yuriba situation in the wrong way. In order to succeeding in getting her respect back, she had to look at this as if it was a battlefield, an easy thing to do since everyone seemed to be always competing for their reputation. To this end she concluded that she had been missing someone to lead her, as she is a warrior not a strategist. Because her old chieftain had been killed a long time ago she decided it was time she got a new Warchief.
Zana looked like an improbable candidate for the job, for when she first met the hanyou she lay passed out in the hot springs in another of her narcoleptic spells. But she had heard of the half-demon's eloquent capabilities and even witnessed her sustaining an insult fest with Coral and leaving unscathed. Since she always got butchered in said contests, that was all the proof Tal'set needed to think that Zana was perfect for the job.
Literally flinging herself at Zana's feet and swearing loyalty to her in a "You have my axe" sort of way may not have been the best idea, since it made Zana think she was just another girl who was into bondage and was looking for a mistress. She later apparently changed her mind and took her into her service, even going as far as adopting her which confused Tal'set greatly.
Though the amazon's social life was still at a all time low and reports still came of her sending people to the infirmary, with Zana's leadership she feels much more confident, even forming a few alliances with the residents as it was Zana who suggested she turned her street brawls into exhibition matches at the Yuriba Gym which was what led her to start teaching self defense classes. The only strain that was ever put on Tal'set's relationship with her Warchief was when she married Fayle. Even if she did enjoy the fact she had two mothers now and that they even went as far as presenting to her very own sparring ring, the fact was that Zana was mostly occupied by Fayle and thus Tal'set could not bring her Warchief along when she went into "battle". Without her leadership a number of disasters occurred like losing the respect she had obtained from Coral and Nezuma and getting exiled from Leona's Bar and Girl thanks to not being supervised and getting into bar fights with Kitsoru and Hunter. (Tal'set is pretty sure that the main reason why Hunter was made bouncer was because of her.) More importantly, she grew extremely jealous of Fayle and considered just breaking ties with both Fayle and Zana since all they ever did was being at home with each other, not leaving any room for the amazon to go on nightly pseudo raids and such. Almost in an ironic turn of events, Tal'set was called back into the front and she left the island for weeks, upon her return and feeling ready to make peace with Fayle, she found out that they had divorced.
With Zana now planning to engage in marriage with Jam and with her recent acquisition of Gaz into their house. Tal'set hoped she was not once again "Going to war, without a stick that speaks from afar", as she puts it. In the end, Tal'set has ended up severing her ties with Zana, no longer seeing her as Warchief.
Undoubtedly one of the uncommon Yuriba residents, it is at least clear that Tal'set will continue to try and get her respect back until she either achieves her goals or can swing her axe no longer.
The trademark item for Tal'set. She never leaves her house without it and because she has "personalized" the weapon by making a scratch for every foe that has felt its blade, it is one of the main reasons as to why Tal'set is shunned by most everyone.
All in all, her Tomahawk is a piece of art being heavy enough to chop through the toughest wood or other materials, but with an aerodynamic design that ensures that it flies swiftly through the air with minimum strength.
Regarded by many to be a crude and unnecessary instrument of destruction, thanks to the amazon's childish personality, it has been turned into a somewhat goofy parody of the brutality that it represents. Tal'set for some reason has asked many a celebrity on the island to sign the handle. Even if she claims that it is to give her weapon shamanic power by receiving the blessing of powerful individuals it does not hide the fact that she can be a bit of a fangirl.
- Most of the time she can be found wearing jaguar armor: She cares little and frankly does not seem to understand the meaning of fashion, perhaps because she was so secluded from civilization or maybe could be just apathy. The fact remains still that the tribal attires and battle armor she wears are not only outdated but out of place.
- In regards of a fighting style however, the problem of trying to master all the branches of the fighting arts is that it's rather hard to give it a name. Saving herself really bad headaches, when asked she just says she practices Vale Tudo or more commonly known as Street, which may be why people do not take her seriously as a fighter.
Despite being such an apparent blood-thirsty brute, she in fact is quite impractically childish, especially because she suffers from phobias referring to fairies, among other mystical winged creatures.
She acts simple minded and straight forward, being a frontal assault warrior in both mind and body. She speaks not with her mind but with her heart and has baffled some who thought of her to be a stupid brute by pointing out the obvious. Such as the incident where everyone was complaining about her carrying an axe around the island, claiming she needed to get rid of it since Yuriba is a place a peace and harmony. She very sourly pointed out there were plenty of people carrying Buster swords, katana and various firearms and no one even batted an eyelash.
- Fighter - Just as it sounds, she likes to spar. Sometimes she allows bets to be taken, other times she's just willing to accept a challenge. It's what she does best.
- Trainer - She offers her vast knowledge of fighting styles over at Kage-Ryuu School of the Silent Arts, co-working with Beta as a trainer. Not only does she give personal defense classes, but for those seriously eager to fight she gives classes in plenty of fighting styles ranging from basic Boxing and Muay-thai to professional Kalarippayattu. To those only wishing to keep in shape she also offers weight lifting training. She also has been known to practice Krav Maga, though she seldom uses it in the island seeing that it's not very sporty.
- Bodyguard - She offers protection to Zana and those who request her assistance, though not only extends to that as she is an experienced hunter, meaning she is an excellent retriever and explorer if someone has lost something she can be sought out. Another one is that she is an excellent hitman... though that profession may not come in handy in Yuriba.
Seeing that Tal'set is so militaristic she refers to her relationships and friends as if they were members of a clan of some sort.
- Chiron - Not surprisingly Tal'set has been, for the most part, a loner within Yuriba. Having more enemies than friends and her shaky relationship with her Warchief Zana causing more pain than actual gratification, it is no wonder that the Amazon acts so bitter and hateful towards others. Even if one were to disregard her obvious violent past it is still evident that violence follows her wherever she goes. While some of the Yuriban residents enjoy sparring from time to time to later rest with lovers, Tal'set just kept fighting. Going from match to match like one would snack on a bag of junk food, only stopping to sleep and eat.
- As such it came to a surprise for her that she would find love amidst one of her random street brawls.
- In a particular night when Tal'set was trying desperately to recover from her rather harsh decision of severing ties with both Zana and Kyrshe, the warrior woman wandered towards the Village Center itching for a fight in which she could let out all her anger. Noticing a tough looking wolf girl singing quietly to herself and being the brute that she is, Tal'set rudely interrupted Chiron and challenged her to fight her.
- Though the fight went well Tal started to feel a void within her and something about Chiron compelled her to confess to such after the match. Soon after that Tal'set began finding herself drawn to Chiron, her kindness and compassion being something that the Amazon admired the most. Even if she would hate to describe it in such a manner Chiron was indeed the miracle she had been seeking so desperately for.
- She quickly fell quite literally madly in love with the kind wolf girl and was quite happy to know that the feelings were mutual as they declared to each other by the more secluded springs.
- Indeed everything started going much better for her after that. She was admitted back to Leona's bar thanks to Chiron's intervention, something that not even her aunt Ambrosia had done despite she working there, and felt that she was becoming more accepted within society. All thanks to finally having someone who loved her and in turn that she could love.
- Though she doesn't see her girlfriend Chiron as much as she would like, the feeling of knowing that there is someone who loves her for who she is has made Tal'set to become less full of blood lust than she used to be, she still gets into fights, But now she does it to spar and share her fighting styles with other rather than pure hatred... most of the time at least.
- Perhaps there is hope for her yet, and in turn so for everyone else who seeks someone – if a seven foot tall Amazon with a speech impediment managed to find love, surely anybody can.
- Lesley - One of the few people that are not repulsed by Tal'set's presence. She seems to have a lot in common with the cheerful girl and considers her to be a great ally. She also likes the girl's enthusiasm for fighting
- Beta - Her co-worker and friend. The two met while sparring and despite having very different personalities they kept each other in close contact. Tal'set actually has no idea why Beta likes her and the fact that the girl does not express herself very well does not help either. Still, Tal'set likes Beta's style and does not complain, besides she always wanted to run a dojo.
- Naota - The boy seems to be following Zana around lately and thus has to associate with Tal'set. Comically enough his personality not only seems to counter Tal'set's violent behavior but he also appears to be highly resistant to pain. Tal'set enjoys using him as a punching bag despite Naota's "complaining"
- Sabriel - Her most recent ally. Upon Tal'set's return to the island after leaving for yet another one of her military campaigns she found out, to her horror, that Gaz was living in her house. At that moment she met her wife Sabriel, which approached Tal'set on friendly terms despite her wife's hatred towards the amazon. Tal'set sees Sabriel as a powerful ally, and since the girl has shown interest towards fighting she would like to train her. However, her marriage to Gaz puts a lot of stress on their friendship.
- Kyrshe - A cute goblin girl and her very first lover in Yuriba, also the one who broke her heart numerous times due to situations that no one could really be blamed for. She scarred her name on her forearm (incorrectly spelled) to always remember her "mistake". Strange and painfully ironic that it was the smallest of girls who managed to hurt the Amazon the most. To those who have said that it is better to have loved and lost than never loved at all, Tal'set would probably tear their limbs off. She would have rather never met Kyrshe so as to not be wounded in such a way.
- Atria - Even as Tal'set broke away from Zana's leadership she too started feeling her ex-Warchief's depression. As she wandered about punching random individuals to ease her anger a kind cat-girl approached and helped her through her time of despair. She became to like the girl greatly and seems like she started taking orders from her now, much to Atria's confusion seeing that perhaps she is not used to having an Amazon cling to her.
- Zana - Her Warchief whom she severed ties with. After being under the hanyou's service for a long time, Tal'set started noticing that for some reason Zana was losing her will and her leadership skills were lacking. Though Tal'set remained loyal to her to the very end, when Zana slipped away into her depression she decided to no longer hold allegiance to the woman. The Amazon may be kind in her heart but countless years of warfare and bloodshed has left her with little compassion for those who give up easily. She still thinks of the green haired woman as her mother, honoring what little remains of their relationship, though she no longer takes any orders from her. Zana also happens to wield the Sapphire Wand of Fairy Summoning.
Just as Tal'set was starting to get the hang of living in Yuriba. As of February 14, 2007, she finally got the boot from the island, leaving this note.
No doubt in my mind, no fear in my heart, not a single tear shall be shed from me as I depart the island. I respect the Yuriba chieftains decision, for this is their land and it is within their right to do with it as they please.
I will say this at least.
You who judge Tal’set so harshly, descend from your place among immortals so that you may witness the chaos that you have set free. Just like the wild buffalo that roamed the plains became extinct, so will morals and good judgment fade from existence in your land. Do you chop off your head to get rid of a headache? Why then do you resort to severing your limbs the moment they hurt, instead of healing them? Tal’set is far from the last pinnacle of good medicine, but a shaman does not take to watch the results of negligence. Bad Good Medicine woman Lumi lost her life because of the bad spirits that now hunt this place, how many more will be taken until you realize this? These bad omens cannot be overlooked, something is not right and now the responsibility falls on you to set things correctly. My only regret is that when the darkness comes I will not be there by your side. Beware…beware….
Beware, Oblivion is at hand.
Her legacy consists of the Kage-Ryuu dojo, her victory over Kaslin the pillar, and a lot of broken noses. Exiting the island much like she did when first arriving, bitter, angry and hateful of everything and everyone.
It would seem that in the end, there was no hope for her after all.