Leona's Bar and Girl

One of the first popular bars in Yuriba, and possibly one of the longest to remain open and popular, Leona's Bar and Girl goes through periods of popularity, often corresponding with how much time the owner Leona actually spends manning the bar. She is often in the market for more staff, preferring that the bar be manned at all times. At the moment she is also looking to hire a cook and entertainers.

Although the bar has a kitchen in the back, Leona never goes back there herself, claiming to have been barred by the health code from producing any food. Sometimes she manages to hire a cook, but when she does not have someone there to use the kitchen she buys sandwiches and other light food from a nearby deli.

The bar has a large and comfortable women's bathroom, with a soft couch, nice fittings, and hot water for those who have been cursed (or blessed) and need to revert to their original form. It also has a lockable door, which is frequently left locked after people are done using it.

The bar has many features common to local watering holes. There's a large pool table to play at, a couple of pinball and arcade games by the wall, a dart board, and a nice wide fireplace with a curved back, which sometimes the patrons toss glasses into.

An odd feature of the bar now is 'Naked Sundays', which is a day where customers are encouraged to show up naked and enjoy as much public affection as they like. Nakedness isn't required, but the customers will often try to cajole clothed attendees into undressing, or more. With all the nakedness and affection, quite often a good amount of sexual activity will break out, as on Sundays Leona relaxes the rules of the bar to an 'anything-goes' level.

The establishment's current staff currently consists of Flame, Ielle, Elara, Kayla, Hotaru, The Octopus Plushies, Chisa, Xell, Hi-chan, Veen, Katsuko, Ielle, Melandria, Selena, Null, and now Lily. Additionally, Leona's friend Nagisa often helps out with keeping the machinery of the bar working. Five also works shifts at the bar as a bouncer and aspiring mixologist.

For some reason, lately, there has been a sharp increase in the crouton inventory. There are even some specialty brands that have been stocked in the kitchen and cabinets, perhaps someone is preparing for something crouton-y??

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