Brysaihe | |
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IC Information | |
Use Name: | Brysaihe |
Gender/Sexuality: | Female/Lesbian |
Species: | Sylph |
Place of Origin: | Underhill, Yuriba |
Age/Birthdate: | 62 (April 4, 1952) |
Zodiac Sign: | Aries |
Height: | 5' |
Hair Colour: | Copper-blonde |
Eye Colour: | Amber |
Romantic Status: | Involved (Caileadair, Fujiko) |
Romantic Identification: | Polyamorous, open, disclosed |
Occupation: | ??? |
Preferences | |
Likes: | Flight, sunny weather, leather, witty women, practical jokes, dancing, teasing people, birds, good novels, random acts of hedonism, liquor, foxes |
Dislikes: | Relationship drama, winter, Inishie-san, walking long distances, beef, innocent women, sleeping, the exceptionally libidinous, shrimp |
OOC Information | |
Source: | Original Character |
Brysaihe is a native Yuriban sylph who arrived in the village on Sep. 2, 2010. Something of a free spirit, she's notable mainly for her playful attitude towards people who interest her and for being the first sylph to visit the parts of Yuriba outside Underhill since the founding of the village. She also seems to be at the root of an unraveling series of mysterious and sometimes violent events that have taken place on the island since late 2010.
Contents |
At heart Brysaihe is something of a free spirit with a playful, outgoing personality. She's generally friendly and tends to gravitate to Yuriba's social hot spots regardless of social cliques or the quality of her surroundings, and she makes friends fairly easily. Outwardly she's an optimistic person prone to witticisms, sharp humour and incisive quips, and she has a deep-seated streak of mischief which feeds her tendency towards practical jokes. She carries herself with a deep-seated, unflappable confidence that often comes across sensuous. While she tends to be flirtatious and is fond of affectionately teasing even women she's not romantically interested in, she's not especially libidinous - most of the time. Brysaihe's curiosity partially drives her personality and will often lead her to pursue new experiences, whether to challenge her intellect or simply for the sake of fun. There's very little she won't try once.
Owing to her heritage, she's more comfortable in the air than on the ground, and even at ground level she tends to spend most of her time floating about an inch or two above the surface. It's exceptionally rare that her feet touch the ground for extended periods. Her time in flight has brought her into close contact with birds, and as a result not only does she know almost every native avian species, she claims to understand them in a rudimentary sort of way. In general she enjoys being in motion and loves to occupy herself particularly by flying, dancing or otherwise being active. She's a sublimely talented archer, shooting not only competitively but also in battle. While she's exceptionally accurate and fast, she's not really the equal of the Guardians. At heart she's a warm-weather person and detests the cold season, often spending time indoors with loved ones while waiting for summer to return.
Despite being a sylph Brysaihe's affinity to Amanohara tends to take a back seat to her leanings towards Kikoutei. She considers herself as close to the sunshine as she is to the wind and has been known to refer to herself as a sun sylph. She's also loosely connected to Kaika. That said, she's not especially religious and limits her devotions to basic rituals and some more personal faith activities. She's been known to have unusually adverse reactions to Inishie.
She has a deep-rooted fondness for the Apex Inn and often spends time in the summer suite there.
Romantic preferences
Brysaihe self-identifies as polyamorous and tends to think little of taking a diverse selection of lovers. She tends not to fall in love at the drop of a hat, though she's not shy about cultivating more physical relationships with women she's particularly interested in. While not predatory, she keeps her door open to relationship prospects, though she makes a point of never basing relationships solely on sex - that is, while she is happy to have sexual friends, there has to be a 'friend' component that at least balances the 'sexual' component. She tends to need a certain level of mental engagement in her relationships and tends to look down on women who put sex first. She's prone to public displays of affection now and then. Brysaihe tends to try and surprise her lovers every once in awhile to keep the relationship fresh.
- Caileadair: Brysaihe crossed paths with the half-kitsune under inauspicious (and combative) circumstances, and their first conversation involved Caile talking the sylph down from challenging Inishie outright. Fortunately it was all uphill from there. Brysaihe has fallen into an affectionate rhythm with Caile and has grown to appreciate the woman on just about every level, to the point she's not the least bit shy about calling it love. She spends much of her time at Caile's house, flirting and chatting, and she delights in introducing Caile to her friends. While there's a certain spark to their relationship, the sylph also feels a debt of gratitude to the half-kitsune for helping her through the difficult time after her experiences with Inishie and giving her something to live for.
- Fujiko: Another of Brysaihe's favourite playmates, she encountered the tall librarian at Leona's and struck up a quick, teasing sort of friendship with her. A torrid affair rapidly ensued, followed by a bit of tension, followed in turn by a gradual leveling-off into a comfortable sort of rhythm. Though Brysaihe accepts she's not Fujiko's primary and likely never will be, she still holds a special fondness for her book-fancying companion.
- Merin: Brysaihe and Merin enjoyed an extended relationship in Underhill prior to the sylph's arrival in the village, and Merin was the first person she visited when she did arrive. The pair were drawn to each other through their similar playful personalities and tendencies towards practical jokes. Though they've historically been friends, their interactions frequently lean towards a more amorous bent. A long absence on the blue fae's part, however, has put their relationship on hold for awhile.
- Ruriko: Brysaihe couldn't remember all of Ruriko's surnames if you gave her a book of them. Though she doesn't see as much of Caileadair's tall, teasy cousin as she'd like, she holds out a certain fondness for her and seems to respond to the way Ruriko occasionally challenges her mentally. Her relationship with the li'l fox does not run especially deep but it's one she keeps meaning to cultivate, if only she could find the time.
- breisleach: When it comes to the fox, Brysaihe always feels like she has to tiptoe lightly, largely because she isn't sure how breis feels about the sylph sleeping with her daughter. She holds a certain respect for the woman and typically calls her "Lady breis" when they meet, though she occasionally feels the kitsune is talking over her head. She also isn't sure breis has entirely forgotten the sylph once had a semi-dead eldritch horror piggybacking on her soul. She half-expects breis to show up at her door one day with an axe and a torch while screaming, "Kill the heathen, kill the heathen! And keep your hands off my daughter."
- Atara: Brysaihe finds it much easier to talk with breisleach's mate, oddly enough. While breis is in many ways inscrutable to her, she finds herself better able to read Atara. She was initially fearful of her and convinced the dragoness would eat her, particularly given the whole eldritch horror thing, but feeling her out socially put her at ease. Though she doesn't consider Atara a friend, Brysaihe does feel a special connection to her largely defined by ancient strings of fate.
- Ella: This woman confuses the ever-loving hell out of Brysaihe.
- Kaslin: The source of a minor annoyance following some turmoil in Brysaihe's life, the sylph mostly remembers this woman because she's never seen her species before. She mostly remembers her as that male woman who upset her over something minor once.
Brysaihe's young life in Underhill could very well have been unremarkable if not for a few oddities. As an infant she was taken to the priestesses of Harumeku to have her true name divined. The priestesses reported with some confusion that she apparently had more than one.
Beyond being something of a true-name curiosity, though, Brysaihe's life wasn't particularly rocked. She lived the sort of life one would expect from a young sylph, spending much of her time in the air, flitting between pockets of Underhill and the material world and pulling practical jokes on just about everyone she could. Though most sylphs tend to gravitate towards Amanohara out of instinct, Brysaihe instead found herself heavily influenced by the teachings of Kikoutei. At one point in her early adulthood she was considered to become one of Kikoutei's priestesses, but after apprenticing for a year under an older priestess it became abundantly clear she wasn't priestess material, largely because she was far too capricious to stay on message or be consistent with any sort of ritual activities.
Through it all, though, she continued to face recurring nightmares she'd experienced since before she'd emerged from her mother's womb. The dreams partially influenced her lifestyle choices: for a time she became extremely polyamorous and made a point of never sleeping alone, largely for want of someone to comfort her when the dreams came back. To this day she seldom sleeps more than five hours a night, but her body has become so accustomed to running on short sleep that four or five hours is now adequate for her.
Sometime during this period she crossed paths with Merin. The two built a relationship based on their mutual teasing and pranking tendencies, eventually crossing the line into a closer connection. The relationship was put on hold after Phil-chan founded the village of Yuriba and Merin went off to live among the immigrants.
Above the Hill
Brysaihe emerged from Underhill around Sep. 2, 2010 and immediately gravitated to Merin's home in the Faerie Forest, surprising the blue fae by hiding in her chimney and pretending to be a chimney sprite discontent with her lack of sweeping. From there the two promptly renewed their acquaintance, which rapidly blossomed into romance. She became a frequent sight around the village as she explored the world the immigrants had built. Though she has since soured on Leona's Bar and Girl, she spent considerable time there early on, enough to build up a close relationship with the librarian Fujiko Tanaka. Despite winter beginning to set in the sylph went about her business with ample happiness, though she found herself alarmed that her nightmares were growing more frequent above the hill.
In December her life was thrown furiously off course after an encounter at the highest point in the Omolara Valley. During the high-tension incident a portion of her subconscious began to react to the environment, triggering a cascade of memories and thoughts she doesn't remember having. Horrified and confused by the sudden change to her psyche, she began behaving erratically for a time before being reined in by Ella, the Sentry of Zokutou. Ella's counseling revealed certain supernatural roots behind Brysaihe's nightmares and subconscious twinges which neatly explained most of the oddities in the sylph's life but left her emotionally devastated. After a sleepless night spent mostly in meditation she buried the revelations as deep in her mind as she could and vowed to move forward as she always had.
More positive has been the entrance of Caileadair into her life. She struck up a fast friendship with the young demon-fox and began spending much of her time at the girl's orchard home. For a time, though, she was shaken when an undead apparition suddenly appeared on the island in early January of 2011, evidently seeking out "the Windy One" and attacking at least one passer-by in its search for her. Though the intruder was ultimately dealt with, its demise left Brysaihe with more questions than she started with. Roughly parallel with that came the deterioration of her relationship with Fujiko's wife, Ada. The blue-haired woman's jealousy came to a head when she asked that Brysaihe soothe her bitter feelings by treating her like a lover; incredulous, the sylph took it badly. She has seldom spoken to Ada since.
Brysaihe's spiritual issues came to a head in January following a series of attacks inside Inishie-san, including on Eimi Kozuka. Seeking to usher an evidently-insane Kinuko away from the same fate, Brysaihe attempted to drag the girl from the Omolara Valley, but was quickly attacked telepathically and apparently teleported to some location away from the valley floor. It's unclear what happened thereafter, but the sylph and a small group of Yuriba's Guardians returned later on severely injured. Since then she has become a de facto member of the sort of citizen's watch that tends to show up whenever someone climbs Inishie-san.
The months since the conflict on Inishie-san have seen Brysaihe immerse herself in her growing love life, continuing to explore her relationship with Caileadair to the point of actual love.