Dr. Eimi Kozuka | |
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IC Info | |
Gender: | Female |
Sexuality: | Lesbian |
Age: | 39 |
Date of Birth: | February 26 |
Height: | 5'6 |
Eye Color: | Hazel |
Hair Color: | Brown |
Romantic Status: | Married: RaeCasual otherwise |
Romantic Identification: | Polyamorous, Open, Disclosed |
Occupation: | Principal of Rinkei Gakuen, Vulcanologist, Member of the Town Council |
OOC Info |
Dr. Eimi Kozuka is the former principal of Rinkei Gakuen, the island's girls' academy, and the island's foremost geologist. When not overseeing the day-to-day operations of the school, she can usually be found either in the village center, or indulging in her hobby of Vulcanology. To that end, she can often be found studying the mountains, the springs and paying special attention to Inishie-san, the island's active volcano.
Contents |
Physical Description
Eimi is a rather unassuming woman, appearing to be in her late teens or early twenties, however this is rather deceptive. She has has long brown hair that she wears braided into a pony tail and hazel eyes that speak of a great deal of experience. She has an athletic build and keeps herself in rather good shape.
Eimi is an intelligent woman who appreciates a good conversation. However, she is rather unsure of herself in social situations and tends to allow other folks to initiate the conversation. This is especially true when dealing with people she does not know. She generally has a positive outlook on life and tries to see the good side to both people and events, however she has little patience for people who are excessively negative, or those who spend most of their time complaining about the situations they find themselves in instead of actually going out and doing something to change it.
Before coming to Yuriba, Eimi lived in a version of Crystal Tokyo with her mother and her father. After she reached the age of three she was recruited into a program to create a new set of Sailor Senshi by The Rulers, the corrupt future versions of the Sailor Senshi shown in the anime Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon. The program met with limited success, yielding only two Senshi out of the five test subjects they employed, and even then, the two Senshi were incomplete, and there we some side-effects of the process present in both subjects. Eimi's mother and father caught wind of what happened to the other three candidates and removed her from the program, fleeing to a small town on the north shore of New Brunswick, where she lived until she reached the age of sixteen.
At sixteen, she returned to Crystal Tokyo without her parent's knowledge to confront The Rulers and track down the other surviving member of the project. Unknown to Eimi, The Rulers had previously given up on the project and had decided to remove the last two remainders of the equation. They attempted to eliminate Eimi, but she managed to escape. She spent the next two years of her life on the run, trying to stay one step ahead of the people that were trying to hunt her down.
The Nexus and Hinansho
While on the run, she managed to stumble her way into a multiversial nexus. This nexus happened to be connected to several other probability threads that were sympathetic to her cause, and the residents there took Eimi in, shielding her from the people who would try to hurt her. It was here where she met Jennifer Sakachi and Eileen Pearcy, also known as Sailor Orion and Sailor America. Jen was also from a version of Crystal Tokyo, only this one was not nearly as dark and corrupt as Eimi's. Jen's version was different in another manner; Serenity had expanded her empire into the stars, having set up several colonies. The newest of which was Hinansho.
Jennifer and her wife were both assigned to Hinansho, in order to get the infrastructure in place and represent the Queen there. Jen managed to pull some strings with Serenity, and after a lengthy interview, and a bit of a fight, managed to talk Serenity into allowing Eimi to immigrate as well. Eimi now resided on Hinansho, serving as a back-up to Jennifer and Eileen, should they be required to leave the planet, or become incapacitated. The link to the Nexus that she originally fled to from the Rulers was still present though, and exploring her way through there, she managed to find a link to a small, peaceful island resort. Since finding her little island paradise in 2002, Eimi's spent more time there, than she has back on Hinansho.
Recent Events - Fall From Grace
Eimi's fall from grace was triggered by three major factors. The first and most important of these was the dissolution of her marraige with Rae. The break up was quite messy, Eimi thinking that her wife had side-swiped her with the divorce, and that she was the only one of the pair actively trying to learn and fight to keep the couple together. Eimi left the home the two had shared and headed north, seeking refuge in familiarity and solitude in the northern mountains. Here she threw herself entirely into her work on the volcano to numb the pain in her heart.
It was then that Eimi met the next part in her fall from grace, Mikazuki, Agrona, and Temair. The three of them took advantage of the recent break up and seeing an opportunity in the making, made it a point to befriend Eimi, going so far as to build her a small cabin overlooking the cliffs and the volcano. Unbeknownst to her, the cabin was created almost entirely of Black Marble, which amplified the dark feelings which were threatening to take over. During this time, the three also masked their activities on the volcano from both her scientific instruments and her elemental link. This served to frustrate Eimi further and to drive her more into solitude. Most of her evenings were spent in the basement of her new cabin, pouring over the mysteries that refused to add up.
The last straw that broke Eimi's resolve was when a Flame Stalker attacked a group of villagers in the northern forest of the island. Eimi attempted to come to the rescue of the villagers and was able to interpose herself, fighting valiantly, but the elements she commanded were the very ones that fueled the monster. After a short scuffle, Eimi was removed from the battlefield by the flame stalker, and sent hurtling into the woods. The flame stalker then retreated, and the villagers picked up and went on with the rest of their lives, paying no mind to the woman who was blasted away. Three days later, Temair found a very wounded Eimi and took her back to her cabin on the cliffs. After this, Eimi finally lost the battle with the darkness fighting for her heart. With one more push, provided when she caught Lilith snooping around on the crater and nearly killed the woman, Eimi fell. Lilith's life was spared at the cost of Eimi's soul, servitude and loyalty. She became Inishie's sentry.
Recent Events - The Attack
Once fallen, Eimi was detirmined to gain revenge on all that had wronged her and all that had kept her time wasted and pretty much anything that reminded her of her former life on the island. She started by attacking the school. A large group of villagers arrived to defend the property and to attack her and Lilith and Mikazuki who had accompanied her on this trip. The resistance was greater than she had anticipated, and after being severely wounded, she was forced to play her trump card earlier than she was planning to. She fled the school grounds.
Instead, she moved her attack to the Yuriba Art Gallery, where she and her wife had spent the past several years together. This she attacked with all the fury she had in her, and while defenders quickly showed up to protect the property once more, it was the sight of her own wife who came to defend her with nothing but a simple hockey stick. The sight was too late however, as her final attack was already in motion, calling the very source of Inishie into the village, pouring her very spirit and soul into the ground beneath the village, sealing the Sentry's fate.
Revent Events - Redemption
As Eimi's body lay in the crater dying, Rae rushed to her fallen wife's side. She comforted her, and with the help of the protective wards set up by breisleach, Eimi was able to fight off the darkness in her heart for one moment, and was able to use the spirit she had poured into the earth to shelter and severely lessen the eruption of the volcano, protecting the village and its inhabitants with her life. She died in her former wife's arms, and a few days later, was given a traditional yuriban funeral by breisleach and Rae.
Eimi has a number of jobs, both on the island, and several responsibilities on Hinansho.
On Yuriba, she has the following responsibilities:
- Eimi was the principal of Rinkei Gakuen. She maintaind an office in the school itself, and saw to the day-to-day operation of the school.
- Eimi was the head of the Yuriban Geologic Survey. In fact, she was the only member, but she believed that the title added more credability to her findings and any announcements she should had to make in that capacity.
- Eimi was an active member of the Town Council.
Eimi has been romantically linked to several members of the community in the past, but at current, she has returned to the arms of Rae, her longest lasting relationship. With her taking up permanent residence on the island, the main force that drove a rift between to two women was removed, and the restarted their relationship. She also considers breisleach, Lyra, Fujiko to be good friends, and she respects Genesis Magite as a colleague, though it has been a little strange since the woman was de-aged.
Recently, Eimi has been seen to be sporting a brand new ring, given to her by her lover. This is generally accepted as a sign of the deepening of her relationship with Rae. In fact, she's actually moved into the apartment above the art gallery.
As of January 23, 2010, Rae and Eimi have been married. They tied the knot with a small ceremony presided over by breisleach at the Crimson Rose and Sword.
When the end of summer in 2011 rolled around, both Rae and Eimi decided that a change of pace would be good for their marriage. In response, and by mutual consent, the couple has decided to give polyamory a try.
- Eimi holds a doctorate in Vulcanology from the University of Hinansho. She finished her doctorate in two years while still seeing to her responsibilities as a Senshi.
- Eimi is pretty much the only one on the island that Inishie tolerates on her mountain. Nobody knows why this is, but several speculate it is due to the respect and scientific approach Eimi brings with her.
- Eimi is an accomplished chef, and a pitcher for the Nagano-2 baseball team. She throws a mean knuckleball and went 14-7 last season with an ERA of 2.39.