
The most recent census was conducted in October of 2016. Because this is a voluntary participation study, results may be skewed minutely or significantly from the actual numbers. In cases where it is possible, census results will be cross-compared to immigration records.

OOC: Rounding Variation
In 2012 on, many of the percentages were calculated automatically, rather than by hand. The program doing so rounds to the nearest whole number. As such, numbers from that year that are calculated by software will be exact .0%s. (Necessary to keep the charts lining up in the future.)


Rate of Response vs. Overall Population

53 residents correctly completed and returned a survey form, out of a population immigration records place at 601. While roughly steady from 2010 on, overall, the population dipped in 2013 and 2014, with 617 in 2014, 612 in 2013, 672 in 2012, 706 in 2011, 699 in 2010, 817 in 2009, 993 as of October 2008, 1,122 as of October 2007, 1,490 in October of 2006, and 1,743 residents in October of 2005. A small jump to a population of 686 occurred in 2015. 2011 thru 2014 had an impressive census participation rates of 16-17%, a significant increase from the 7-10% participation in previous years.

Gender Split

OOC: Gender or Sex?
Traditionally, this has referred to physical gender - however, odds are good, that in the future, we will move to a full identity model OR a dual question model, representing physical sex and gender identity.

Sex Demographics
Gender 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Female 96.0% 98.3% 99.1% 96.0% 96.6% 98.3% 97.5% 96.0% 98.0%
Male 02.6% 01.7% 0.9% 04.0% 03.4% 0.2% 02.5% 04.0% 02.0%
Other 01.3%
Sex Demographics - Self Identified
Gender 2014 2015 2016
Female 97.0% 97.0% 94.4%
Male 00.0% 02.0% 01.9%
Genderqueer 01.0% 00.0% 03.8%
Other 02.0% 01.0% 00.0%


Immigration records place the percentage of the population that is biologically male (full or part time) at 00.4% in 2013 through 2015, 00.6% in 2011 and 2012, 00.7% in 2010, 00.6% in 2008, 2009, and 2006, 01.5% in 2005, and 00.9% in 2007. Some residents may ID as male gendered despite possessing a body that would typically be gendered female.

Age Demographics

Age Demographics
Age Range 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Under 14 02.6% 03.5% 04.59% 01.3% 01.7% 03.4% 04.2% 03.0% 01.0% 02.0% 02.0% 00.0%
14-19 34.0% 27.6% 27.52% 20.0% 34.5% 22.0% 20.2% 19.0% 10.0% 20.0% 14.1% 11.3%
20-25 31.3% 35.3% 33.95% 36.0% 34.5% 35.6% 23.5% 22.0% 26.0% 15.0% 19.2% 13.2%
26-30 08.6% 06.0% 08.26% 10.6% 01.7% 10.2% 15.1% 21.0% 24.0% 23.0% 19.2% 13.2%
31-100 04.0% 06.0% 07.34% 08.0% 10.3% 08.5% 11.8% 12.0% 10.0% 19.0% 18.2%
31-50 24.5%
51-100 03.8%
101-250 05.3% 05.2% 08.26% 09.3% 03.4% 05.1% 05.0% 06.0% 07.0% 05.0% 05.1% 07.5%
251-500 00.6% 02.6% 00.91% 01.3% 02.5% 04.0% 05.0% 04.0% 04.0% 03.8%
501-1000 01.3% 01.7% 00.91% 04.0% 05.2% 03.4% 04.2% 04.0% 06.0% 04.0% 04.0% 05.7%
>1000 04.6% 06.0% 03.67% 06.6% 06.9% 06.8% 05.9% 05.0% 06.0% 04.0% 07.1% 09.4%
Unknown 07.3% 06.9% 05.50% 04.0% 01.7% 05.1% 07.6% 04.0% 07.0% 04.0% 07.1% 07.5%


The 'Unknown' category includes both those who did not know their own age, as well as those who did not answer the question. From 2006 on, there was a slight shift from those in their teens to those in their 20s being in the majority, possibly representing the aging of the early immigrant population; by 2014 this age group appears to have slipped into their late 20s and 30s. After 2015, given this aging of the population, it is likely that in future years, the age category over 30 will become more finely granulated.

Species Demographics

The majority of Yuriba's population (ranging from a low of 34.3% in 2015 through a high of 71.3% in 2005) is human by birth. Other statistically relevant subgroups include those of mixed demon and human ancestry (generally between 1-3%), kitsune (generally 3-5%, up to almost 10% in 2015), dryads (up to 4% in some years), Faeries (from 1-3%), and cat-humans, also known as 'catgirls' (usually between 3% and 7% of the population). 2011 saw an unusual racial spike in the form of 'Trolls', a specific non-Earth origin race that saw wide-scale immigration that year, making them about 5-6% of reported population.

Generally, between a quarter and a third of the population has used the shapechanging magic of the Jusenkyou Springs. Between 15-25% of the population has also indicated that they had previously used a spring but no longer retained the effect, or had previously been under a different effect. Blessings that have current or past notable popularity, appearing as current or former use in more than 10% of the population, are Maonyanniichuan, Tianshiniichuan, Langnyanniichuan, Nyanniichuan, Tunyanniichuan, Emoniichuan, Songshunyanniichuan, Anyingnyanniichuan, and Hunyanniichuan In nearly all years, roughly a fifth of respondents had unique forms.

Evaluated over time, Jusenkyou appears to have risen in popularity overall. Tastes seem to have shifted somewhat from previous years, trending towards a much wider variety of springs in current use. For example, in 2015, only 3 known springs were never selected as having been used.

Religious Demographics

Yuriba's population appears to be, on the whole, fairly religiously apathetic. Across all years, as few as 25% or as many as 46% said they either had no religion, or didn't answer the question. An additional 12.0% identified as atheist in 2005, although in recent years the percent has dropped to between 2 and 8%, and between 03.3% and 13.3% as agnostic. In 2016, with further broad categories given to the question, 2% identified as atheist, 39.6% as agnostic, 4.2% as deists, 6.3% as monotheists, 22.9% as polytheists, 16.7% animist, and 6.3% naturalists.


Those that actually did identify as religious ranged widely in their choices, some including devotion to a particular philosophy. The most common religious identification are Christian (generally, very close to 8-10% of the population, although has fallen as low as 3% in 2014), Yuriban Animism (between 2% and 23%, with numbers rising each year), Buddhist (usually a bit short of 5%) and Shinto (approximately 5% of the population). Modern population tends to be about half on the non-religious, atheistic, or agnostic spectrum, with an additional approximately 20% follow animistic or pagan practices.

Outside of these, a wide variety of religions are practiced by singular individuals, often those arising from their homeworlds, while many other residents hold personal or unique religious views. Perhaps the only real trend out of these is a slight lean towards religions or philosophies that include some degree of nature veneration.

Sexual Orientation Demographics

Orientation Demographics
Orientation 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Straight 02.0% 01.7% 00.9% 01.3% 01.7% 01.7% 00.8% 01.0% 02.0% 01.0% 01.0% 01.9%
Male-Preferential Bisexual 02.6% 0.9% 01.3% 03.4% 03.4% 00.8% 01.0% 02.0% 00.0% 03.1% 03.8%
Bisexual 25.3% 11.2% 09.2% 09.3% 06.9% 06.8% 11.8% 17.0% 05.0% 10.0% 10.2% 11.3%
Female-Preferential Bisexual 04.7% 12.9% 15.6% 13.3% 27.6% 22.0% 24.4% 21.0% 12.0% 21.0% 18.4% 24.5%
Homosexual 60.7% 56.9% 53.2% 60.0% 46.6% 45.8% 54.6% 44.0% 67.0% 54.0% 56.1% 45.3%
Undecided 04.7% 01.7% 03.7% 01.3% 01.7% 05.1% 04.0% 02.0% 06.0% 01.0% 01.9%
Asexual 02.6% 00.9% 02.6% 01.7% 01.7% 03.0% 01.0% 01.0% 03.1% 03.8%
Pansexual 01.7% 03.7% 02.6% 08.6% 03.4% 02.5% 04.0% 06.0% 05.0% 04.1% 05.7%
No orientation 06.0% 09.2% 05.3% 05.2% 10.2% 03.3% 05.0% 04.0% 02.0% 03.0% 01.9%
N/A 02.0% 03.4% 04.0% 00.8%


All of those who identified as straight were male, with one exception in 2013/14. Those who identified as Bisexual were assumed to be equally attracted to male and female forms unless they specified otherwise. The No Orientation category is those who stated on the census form that they do not believe in orientations. The N/A category includes those who didn't answer or gave unclear responses and those who refused to identify with a particular orientation in 2005. The list of orientations was expanded significantly in 2006, as can be seen in the above chart.

Land of Origin

Most Common Places of Origin
Location 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Britain 07.3% 04.3% 06.4% 02.6% 03.4% 02.5% 01.8% 02.8% 02.0% 03.0% 09.4%
Japan 19.3% 19.0% 19.3% 16.0% 15.5% 10.2% 11.8% 08.0% 08.6% 07.2% 10.1% 03.8%
Other World 20.0% 21.6% 18.3% 28.0% 27.6% 27.1% 32.8% 35.4% 22.9% 22.7% 27.2% 32.1%
USA 20.7% 16.4% 20.2% 18.6% 19.0% 23.7% 19.3% 17.7% 23.8% 27.8% 25.2% 22.6%
Yuriba 01.3% 01.7% 06.4% 09.3% 06.9% 08.5% 11.8% 14.2% 13.3% 12.4% 10.1% 13.2%
Unknown or N/A 10.0% 10.3% 06.4% 06.6% 06.9% 08.5% 04.2% 00.9% 01.9% 01.0% 00.0% 00.0%

The last category also includes several individuals who clearly falsely identified as being native Yuriban in 2005, due to the lack of any native populations of their species. Only origins reflecting at least 5% of the population in at least one year are shown, for the sake of size, but the variety of Yuriban origins cover nearly all major countries, many historical periods, and a dizzying array of alternate histories and other worlds.

Education Demographics

Education Demographics
Amount of Education 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
None 10.0% 02.6% 04.6% 02.6% 03.7% 02.0% 01.0% 03.0% 01.0% 01.9%
Some Grade School -- 00.9% 01.8% 01.3%
Grade School 01.3% 00.9% 02.5% 01.0%
Some Middle School 00.9% 00.9% 01.3% 00.8% 02.0% 01.0%
Middle School 01.3% 00.8% 02.0% 01.0%
Some Junior High 00.9% 00.9% 02.6% 03.4% 01.0% 02.0%
Junior High 01.3% 00.9% 00.8% 01.0% 02.0% 03.0%
Some High School 06.0% 08.6% 11.0% 04.0% 10.3% 10.2% 04.2% 04.0% 08.0% 06.0% 05.1% 05.7%
High School 29.3% 13.8% 14.7% 13.3% 08.6% 11.9% 09.2% 16.0% 12.0% 11.0% 13.1% 17.0%
Some College 12.0% 12.1% 10.1% 09.3% 05.2% 11.9% 07.6% 12.0% 11.0% 13.0% 09.1% 09.4%
College 18.0% 06.0% 02.8% 06.6% 08.6 08.5% 08.4% 12.0% 09.0% 11.0% 14.1% 17.0%
Some Post-Grad 02.6% 02.8% 01.7% 01.7% 03.4% 01.0% 04.0% 02.0% 02.0% 01.9%
Masters 04.0% 02.6% 04.6% 04.0% 01.7% 00.8% 01.0% 02.0% 04.0% 02.0% 03.8%
Completed Doctorate 04.0% 06.0% 05.5% 06.6% 05.2% 08.5% 05.9% 05.0% 05.0% 02.0% 04.0% 05.7%
Self-Taught or Other 10.0% 43.1% 38.5% 49.3% 56.9% 44.1% 52.9% 45.0% 48.0% 42.0% 43.5% 37.7%
N/A 02.0% 01.8% 01.7%


2005: It should be noted that this is a category that many respondents were less than specific in, and the compiler has done their best to place them in what she felt would be the most appropriate category. As such, these numbers likely have a notably larger margin of error.

2006: The system was changed for the school question, yielding a more precise set of answers.

Language Demographics

Most Yuriban residents are multilingual, thusly, these numbers will not add up to anywhere near 100%. The official languages of the island are English and Japanese. English is spoken by between 80% and 97% of the population. Japanese is spoken by about one third to one half the population. No other languages quite matched these two in popularity, but other common choices were Spanish (as high as 12% in some years), French (usually between 10-25%), German (5-10%), Chinese (5-10%), Gaelic (approximately 5%), and Hieratic Yuriban (from 5-17%).

Abilities and Disabilities Demographics

Demographics for powers, special abilities, magic, and disabilities was not collected until 2006.


The majority of Yuribans (roughly 75% in most years, including in 2016) did not consider themselves to have any disabilities. Among those that did, most were unique. However, there are a few that show up a bit more often, notably, OCD, a missing eye (almost always the right), blindness, intangible natural forms, anger management, infertility, post traumatic stress disorder, and bi-polar disorder.

Special Abilities

While there was some mild confusion as to what a special ability might be, an increasing percentage of the population self-identified as having one (up to a height of 73.7% in 2015) - Making most of them qualify as metahumans of some variety. As with disabilities, many of these were unique to the individual in question, and many of those who stated they had powers declined to specify what they were. However, some trends can be noted; the most commonly seem powers seem to be some form of shape shifting magic (most commonly transformation to a single animal form, or the ability to change minor features of the body), immortality, flight, and having super strength, super speed, or enhanced agility.


In most years, roughly a third of Yuribans identify as magic users. After 2013, the number shot up be closer 50% each year. Styles with statistically significant numbers were Arcane (usually approximated 4%), Divine (2-5%), and Druidic (5-8%).

Relationship Demographics

Relationship Status

Relationship Identification Demographics
Identification 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Single, Not Looking, Monogamous 08.7% 16.4% 19.3% 16.0% 05.2% 11.9% 05.9% 12.0% 14.0% 23.0% 08.1% 11.3%
Single, Not Looking, Polyamorous 08.7% 10.3% 12.8% 14.6% 10.3% 06.8% 08.4% 11.0% 10.0% 08.0% 15.2% 15.1%
Single, Looking, Monogamous 08.7% 07.8% 04.6% 04.0% 08.6% 05.1% 10.1% 07.0% 10.0% 01.0% 02.0% 05.7%
Single, Looking, Polyamorous 08.7% 09.5% 14.7% 14.6% 17.2% 11.9% 10.1% 13.0% 10.0% 16.0% 19.2% 18.9%
Casual, Monogamous 04.7% 02.6% 02.8% 01.3% 06.9% 03.4% 02.5% 02.0% 02.0% 02.0%
Casual, Polyamorous 15.3% 11.2% 11.0% 12.0% 10.3% 10.2% 21.8% 15.0% 13.0% 16.0% 13.1% 09.4%
Committed, Monogamous 16.7% 12.9% 06.4% 13.3% 17.2% 10.2% 03.4% 02.0% 04.0% 02.0% 02.0% 01.9%
Committed, Polyamorous 10.0% 04.3% 12.8% 13.3% 17.2% 27.1% 26.1% 25.0% 25.0% 21.0% 24.2% 18.9%
Married, Monogamous 04.0% 12.1% 03.7% 02.6% 01.7% 05.1% 00.8% 01.0% 02.0% 00.0% 01.0% 01.9%
Married, Polyamorous 06.8% 08.6% 07.3% 08.0% 05.2% 05.1% 06.7% 08.0% 08.0% 04.0% 08.1% 11.3%
N/A 02.7% 06.0% 06.4% 01.3% 05.1% 05.0% 05.0% 04.0% 06.0% 07.1% 05.7%


The N/A category includes those who declined to identify their relationship habits.

In 2005, 32.1% of the population self-identified as polyamorous and 25.4% as monogamous. Single persons were not asked to identify as either, and could potentially be members of either category; for the sake of the chart, they have been split equally between the two possible demographics.

In 2006, 43.9% of the population self-identified as polyamorous and 45.7% as monogamous. In 2007, the split as 58.6% self-identified as polyamorous and 36.8% self-identified as monogamous. In 2008, 62.5% self-identified as polyamorous and 37.2% self-identified as monogamous. The 2009 split was 60.2% polyamorous, 39.6% monogamous. 2010 had a 61.1% polyamorous, 35.7% monogamous split. 2011 saw the population as 73.1% poly, 22.7% monogamous, very close to 2012's 72% poly, 22% monogamous. 2013 split with 65% polyamorous, 32% monogamous. 2014's division was polyamorous, 28% monogamous. 2015's was 79.8% polyamorous, 13.1% monogamous. 2016, 73.6% identified as polyamorous, 20.8% monogamous. Overall, a roughly 75-25 split leaning towards polyamory seems to have become the Yuriban norm.

Number of Relationships

Number of Serious Relationships
Number 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
0 17.3% 31.9% 35.8% 36.0% 32.8% 32.2% 31.9% 24.0% 26.0% 31.0% 26.3% 34.0%
1 21.3% 23.3% 18.4% 25.3% 22.4% 18.6% 26.1% 34.0% 21.0% 23.0% 17.2% 15.1%
2 20.7% 17.2% 17.4% 10.6% 12.1% 10.2% 09.2% 10.0% 14.0% 12.0% 15.2% 15.1%
3 10.0% 14.7% 10.1% 10.6% 10.3% 13.6% 11.8% 08.0% 12.0% 12.0% 13.1% 11.3%
4 09.3% 06.0% 06.4% 05.3% 06.9% 03.4% 04.2% 06.0% 07.0% 04.0% 6.1% 05.7%
5 96.7% 01.7% 03.7% 04.0% 01.7% 03.4% 04.2% 04.0% 05.0% 03.0% 01.0% 05.7%
>5 09.3% 02.6% 03.7% 09.3% 12.1% 10.2% 05.9% 08.0% 09.0% 06.0% 08.1% 13.2%
N/A 05.3% 04.3% 02.8% 06.6% 01.7% 08.5% 05.9% 07.0% 07.0% 08.0% 13.2%


This question may have been vague in 2005, but was generally taken to mean serious relationships. From 2006 on, it specified serious relationships. The greater than 5 category had mentions as high as 30, while the 'N/A' category includes those who could no longer recall how many relationships they had been in as well as those who were uncertain what to call a serious relationship. In 2016, a sliding scale from 0 to more than 10 was used.

Number of Marriages

Marriage Demographics
Number of Marriages 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
0 77.3% 69.8% 78.9% 74.6% 72.4% 74.6% 79.8% 82.0% 85.0% 85.0% 80.0% 71.7%
1 15.3% 21.5% 15.6% 17.2% 12.0% 16.9% 13.4% 10.0% 10.0% 08.0% 11.1% 13.2%
2 03.03% 03.5% 02.7% 05.2% 03.4% 06.8% 04.2% 06.0% 04.0% 02.0% 05.1% 09.4%
3 02.0% 00.9% 01.7% 00.8% 02.0% 01.0% 02.0% 02.0% 03.8%
>3 00.9% 02.7% 01.3% 01.9%
N/A 01.3% 02.6% 02.6% 01.7% 03.0% 02.0%


02.0% of Yuribans also mentioned that they were (or had been) widowed in 2005. In 2006, this was made a formal question; afterwards, between 4 and 15% report being widowed or having a serious partner pass away. Approximately 6-17% of Yuribans have been divorced.

Family Demographics

Roughly 10-15% of Yuriban villagers have, or have had, children. In 2016, there was a notable spike, with 28.3% self-reporting as having or having had children. After 2006, further data was inquired of those individuals that did have children. Out of these, the majority have had a single child, although there have been a few larger families, or those who were rather prolific before coming to Yuriba. Most of the children were not born on Yuriba in early years, although by 2008 this trend had reversed.

Most had no relatives in Yuriba, although there are some exceptions. (40% in 2016 had, or previously have had, a biological or adopted relative living on the island.) In terms of biological family, respondents identified mothers, sisters, twins, grandmothers, second cousins, half-sisters, granddaughters, aunts, and cousins. Adopted family included mothers, daughter-in-laws, sisters (by far the most commonly claimed family relationship), brothers, aunts, nieces, step-mothers, sister-in-laws, nephews, step-daughters, step-fathers, and cousins. Some had other more... unique... species based relationships, such as 2011 and later's immigrant troll population.

Household Demographics


The data on household demographics had to be discarded in 2005 as many appeared to be confused as to what the terms 'cohabitating' and 'roommates' meant, and many answers as to the size of the household were unclear.

2006 and later

From 2006 on, the question was made more specific to try and address this. While results are still somewhat dubious as to accuracy, we have done our best.

Living Companions

Living Arrangements
Household Situation 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
None, Itinerant or Homeless 19.0% 17.4% 14.6% 17.2% 23.7% 22.7% 16.0% 14.0% 18.0% 19.2% 17.0%
Live Alone 30.2% 33.9% 41.3% 25.9% 33.9% 28.6% 33.0% 30.0% 37.0% 33.3% 32.1%
Live with Romantic Partner(s) 22.4% 33.9% 41.3% 25.9% 25.4% 24.3% 18.0% 17.0% 15.0% 13.1% 15.1%
Live with Family 03.4% 06.4% 04.0% 01.7% 03.4% 03.4% 04.0% 04.0% 03.0% 07.1% 13.2%
Live with Roommate(s) 16.4% 10.1% 09.3% 13.8% 08.4% 09.0% 12.0% 06.0% 04.0% 09.4%
Live with Partner(s) and Family 03.4% 05.3% 05.2% 06.8% 05.9% 03.0% 01.0% 00.0% 03.0% 05.7%
Live with Roommate(s) and Family 00.9% 01.8% 02.6% 01.7% 00.8% 02.0% 01.0% 00.0% 02.0%
Live with Partner(s) and Roommate(s) 05.2% 04.6% 06.6% 06.9% 05.1% 05.9% 05.0% 07.0% 11.0% 05.1% 03.8%
Live with Partner(s), Family, and Roommate(s) 04.3% 01.8% 04.0% 03.4% 00.8% 01.0%% 00.0% 05.1% 01.9%
N/A, Varying, or Other 01.8% 01.7% 10.0% 14.0% 09.0% 08.1% 01.9%


As of 2012, the N/A category included people who shifted between residences or lived in a place with an unstable population, as well as those who did not answer or were in an otherwise atypical situation.

Assorted Data


Ethnicity or Skin Tone
Identified Shade 2013 2014 2015 2016
Pale 57.0% 45.0% 58.6% 49.1%
Tanned 22.0% 25.0% 19.2% 20.8%
Bronze/Brown 11.0% 10.0% 08.1% 09.4%
Dark 03.0% 05.0% 06.1% 09.4%
Gray/TROLL 03.0% 04.0% 01.0% 01.9%
Other 09.0% 13.0% 12.1% 13.2%


By and large, Yuriban citizens appear to fall within the Caucasian and Asian range of skin tones, with a few exceptions.

Body type
Self-identified body description 2014 2015 2016
Skin and bones 01.0% 01.0%
Thin 07.0% 08.2% 05.7%
All angles 01.0% 01.0% 03.8%
Slim 21.0% 24.7% 28.3%
Athletic 30.0% 27.8% 34.0%
Pretty buff 05.0% 07.2% 03.8%
Muscles like WHOA 03.0% 02.1% 03.8%
Outstandingly ordinary 07.0% 08.2% 07.5%
Not chubby curvy 12.0% 10.3% 01.9%
Chubby curvy 12.0% 08.2% 09.4%
Fat and fabulous 01.0% 01.9%


Overall, Yuribans seem to conform to typical modern body norms for attractiveness, with the majority identifying as being thin/slim or athletic.

Bust Size
Self Identified Conformation 2014 2015 2016
Very small 02.0% 02.1% 03.8%
Quite Small 05.0% 02.1% 03.8%
Small 09.0% 07.2% 07.5%
Low average 22.0% 22.7% 18.9%
Average 22.0% 24.7% 20.8%
Notably above average 21.0% 22.7% 26.4%
Wow, that's pretty big 03.0% 09.3% 01.9%
remarkably large 06.0% 06.2% 09.4%
Strangers worry about my spine snapping 02.0% 03.1% 07.6%


Out of Body Experiences

30% of Yuribans have had one of these.

Musical Proficiency

Almost half (44.8%) of Yuribans play some form of musical instrument. The most popular choices include flute, clarinet, guitar, violin, and singing.

Activity Level

Amount of Exercise Level
Self-Identified Activity Level 2013
Sedentary 9.0%
Lightly Active 38.0%
Active 38.0%
Very Active 14.0%

Chart physicalactivity 2013.png

Amount of Social Activity
Self-Identified Activity Level 2014 2015 2016
Hermit 10.0% 11.3% 11.3%
Usually only close friends 33.0% 33.0% 39.6%
Varies 42.0% 45.4% 37.7%
Socially Active 08.0% 06.2% 03.8%
EXTREMELY social 04.0% 04.1% 07.5%



Self-Identified Dominant Hand 2015 2016
Ambidextrous 22.3% 35.8%
Left 17.0% 11.3%
Right 60.6% 52.8%

Greatest Fear of Meeting on a Dark Night

Least Want to Meet
In a dark scary alley in the dark 2015
Anna 42.9%
Myria 22.9%
Yuriko 20%
Other 14.3%


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