
Metahuman is a term used to refer to humans with powers beyond those of normal humans. This might include magic, super-powers, spiritual gifts, psionics, or a variety of other possibilities. However, the person in question would still be considered a genus of human, with functionally human DNA.

More often then not, those powers are aquired after birth, via a cornucopia of means, ranging from freak accidents, and ending up with intentional training/alterations of body/mind in order to procure said powers. Those with powers inherited from their parents, might be considered both demihumans and metahumans, depending on the body state. General consensus seems to be, that metahumans are still biologically same as human (though that does not accounts for any limbs/organs/tissues replaced with artificial substitutes), while demihumans exhibit biological order different from humans (animalistic ears and tail are one of the most prominent features of a lot of demihumans).

Metahumans, for the most part, are genetically compatible with humans, and, for the means of memetic exchange, all of them are theoretically compatible with other denisens of Yuriba (though, of course, the possibility of such is very dependant on the actual desires of individual persons).

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