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Past Lives
At this point in time, breisleach is aware of some details about three of her past lives on Yuriba.
Uillean: ~3500 BCE - 2000 BCE
A half-oread kitsune, Uillean lived contiguous to the end of the Lily Civilization. Taking her name from the sweet-scented honeysuckle blossom, Uillean was a rangy woman slightly above average height, her mixed heritage showing mostly in her coloring: coppery skin, dark bronze hair, and coppery fur tipped in gold. Her primary skills lay in stoneworking and preservation magics. Serving as a librarian and archivist for the temple of The Lady, Uillean was also a prolific historian, writing a number of books covering the Lilian's history, culture, and downfall, although the latter books covering their years worshiping Inishie strayed into the territories of philosophy and politics. The histories covering the earlier years of the Lily Civilization and their trading partners are still commonly available Underhill, although many of her books are now rare and difficult to find.
Nightmist: ~1500 BCE - 300 BCE
A seeress, Nightmist was a kitsune and a priestess of Tenteisei. A very petite, delicate, fragile woman, her most distinctive feature was her purple hair. Nightmist had blue-green eyes and silver fur tipped with white. She had a very giving, loving nature, shared with dozens of lovers, wives, and children over the course of her lifetime. Her secondary ability was healing magic, and she ended up dying when she burnt herself out using her life force to heal one of her grandchildren who had been caught in a house fire.
Arashi: ~900 CE - 1150 CE
Arashi was a naiad and a priestess of Zokutou. The enigmatic scholar and Dream-Walker was a tall woman, her coloring reflecting a storm ocean: silver-blue skin, blue-grey eyes, and deep blue hair tipped with white. She was a somewhat infamous flirt, although she never married, living her life out working with her temple on matters of philosophy and greater understanding of the world that she lived in.
Early Life
Born in the Yuriban Underhill to the elderly kitsune pair of Amhran and Mian, still mourning the loss of their third, the dryad Kaba, breisleach was removed from her family at her first birthday by the druidesses in service to The Lady who stated that the child was one touched and claimed by the deity – however, it is suspected that parental neglect may have contributed to the decision being made to fully remove her to the temple, rather than having her be brought for training when she was of age. While uncommon, such adoptions into the temple were not unknown and thus the young kitsune was raised in the religious community, there beginning her training in druidic magic and abilities. As such, her primary maternal figure in her youth was the previous high priestess, a kitsune who went by the name Fern. While she is aware of the background of her birth family, breisleach has not revealed more than the most minimal specifics, although it is known that the name she goes by predates her birth, being used by her birth mothers and those who knew them. She grew up in the private retreat meant for the High Priestess of the Lady, although she regularly traveled with Fern to other temples and locales to be sure she was well socialized. From infancy, the naturalized Yuriko took a sisterly interest in the girl, which eventually become formal, a kindness that breisleach passed on to Merin when the girl arrived when the kitsune was still barely adolescent.
The druidic training received as a priestess taught breis to be as comfortable in the material realm as Underhill, as she was required to tend to and interact with both. Her training as a druidess continued from childhood through adolescence, with a few pauses for the required stints during kitsune adolescence serving the community working on the farms and as a hunter, as well as studying secondary careers, then on onto her young adulthood. Amidst all that, she met another young kitsune woman who went by the moniker Slacker. She and Slacker became friends and eventually were romantically involved, a relationship that lasted for several centuries. Although the young kitsune had, like most Yuribans, a variety of other relationships in her youth, her involvement with Slacker was the most consistent. Her other closest lover in this period was Sior, a kitsune priestess of Zokutou at the time of their involvement; the two parted ways when Sior developed a seer's abilities and was required to join the priestesses of Tenteisei in order to be trained properly in its use.
Shortly before the start of the young kitsune's fourth century of life, the former High Druidess retired and breisleach stepped in as the new High Priestess of the Lady, a role she has served in since.
After Yuriba Village's Founding
breisleach and Slacker were eventually married, and after Phil-chan discovered the island of Yuriba and began to build a town there, the pair were among the very first to arrive in the town. In breisleach's case, she came from Underhill and in short order she and her wife settled in comfortably in the material plane, fascinated by all of the new arrivals. For some months she and her wife settled into a threesome with the tigercoon woman FurrySaint, but the three eventually parted ways. She formed both fast friendships with some immigrants, such as Atara and Sparta, and more fleeting or relaxed ones with a great many more, often wandering through the entirety that the town had to offer in these days.
While breisleach was fairly active in the town from the start, Slacker never adjusted well to the transfer from Underhill to the material plane. As the months passed, she grew more and more reclusive, often remaining in her own home and shop or the somewhat isolated house that breis had built for the pair, known as the Woodland Retreat, and eventually disappeared. breisleach originally had assumed that her wife had merely returned to Underhill, but on being unable to find any trace of her, she eventually came to the sad conclusion that she was, for all intents and purposes, now a widow. Since the summer of 2007 she's come into occasional contact with a woman who she briefly believed to be her wife, but who she now believes to be a relative from the other kitsune's extended family. There is, however, still a great deal of murkiness about the issue and, like many things, it is one she is uncomfortable discussing with others.
In the spring of 2004, breisleach herself disappeared as well in unusual circumstances. The details of this incident remain strongly shrouded in mystery, as she has refused to speak of them except in the most general terms. Whatever the cause, her original body was lost but her connection to The Lady allowed the deity to pull the consciousness from breisleach's body, trapping her in the very land of Yuriba. For nearly seven months, she existed only as a sort of ghost, partially conscious, but unable to act.
Reappearance, 2004 and 2005
OOC Notes |
For IC purposes, nothing in the last paragraph of the previous section nor the first of this one should be considered available; the information is known only to breisleach's most intimate confidantes. The exception, of course, would be the dates of her disappearance and reappearance. |
Some months later a woman named Ahe'ssta arrived on the island. She was a psychic and able to perceive the residual spirits lingering on the island. Detecting the constant presence of breisleach's spirit, she told the dragoness Atara of her findings. Eventually, the two were able to pull breisleach's mind free through a ceremony that mixed magic and psionics, allowing the kitsune woman to once more return to full consciousness. However, breisleach was now partially merged into the substance of the island, and her natural state is that of an incorporeal, living thought. Since this time, she has shown and increased tie to the health and history of the island even beyond what's typical of a druid. breisleach uses a special focus created in the ritual to maintain a solid form unless she chooses to do otherwise. While in the early years after her return she sometimes would deliberately loosen it to avoid inclement weather, as time passes she's grown less and less prone to openly show this aspect of herself.
In the early months after her return, breis officially adopted Amy Kou'ai as her daughter. At the time, the kitsune lived primarily at Maison Yuriba and maintains a room there to this day. breisleach also began taking on apprentices in the druidic arts and became more open about teaching aspects of her religion to other immigrants. Although she remained stubbornly single for some time after the apparent death of her wife and her return to the island, breisleach was briefly involved with Kitsune Inari; the relationship ended when she found herself unable to reconcile the vast age difference between the two kitsune. Through this time, she was most likely to be seen lurking in the Village Center, often with her daughter, using it as an easy platform to meet and strike up acquaintances with various people... And to avoid the awkwardness of her painfully empty house.
After her short series of dates with Kitsune, breis was involved with the half-demoness Irriel, a sedate, regal woman who had caught her attention by standing out from the crowd, both in terms of personality and in height. What started as a friendship fell into a light romance, than head-spinningly fast, she found that her companion has conceived and was expecting prompt marriage...
2006 and 2007

On September 3rd, 2006, breisleach and Irriel were married by Moriko. A few months later, on December 12th, Irriel gave birth to the couple's daughter, named Caileadair. The kitsune was troubled during this time by the apparent permanent disappearance or possible death of Atara, her closest friend in her time living in the village, and the impact this disappearance had on the dragoness's friends and loved ones left behind in Yuriba. The ebb and flow of constant stress of her personal life at the time was powerfully magnified by the discovery of a major new fault on Inishie-san by Eimi Kozuka. In the end, while the inevitable eruption occurred without too much damage to land or people due to the efforts of volunteers from the town, the kitsune's efforts left her rather drained and weak for some time afterwards. Among the many, chaotic events surrounding the series of quakes and final eruption, one other bears particular mention – her original apprentice, Genesis Magite, withdrew from training due to events in her personal life as well as from the role of a Guardian, leaving breisleach with only Lyra to teach.
In June of 2007, Irriel departed with the couple's daughter Caile on a trip to visit the half-demoness's family. Already prone to disappearing for days or weeks at a time to visit her old home with the child, to breisleach's dismay and near-panic, the half-demoness remained in absentia for over six months, including through the couple's first wedding anniversary and their child's first birthday. The relationship had already been under significant stress, Irriel being deeply displeased with breis's polyamorous nature, while breis found Irriel's attitudes about absolute destruction of evil and the sharp divide between what was 'good' and what wasn't baffling and upsetting. As time dragged on with no word, breisleach was forced to come to the painful conclusion that her wife has taken Caile back to her homeworld permanently and abandoned the kitsune. After that point, the marriage was considered to have ended in a divorce.
While her relationship with Irriel was shattering, breisleach came to grow involved with Kashiri, Hokuto, and Nisa, as well as Sior when she came to live briefly in the Yuriban village. After Sior returned Underhill, her relationship with the other three continued, up until the end of 2008.
2008 through 2010
The kitsune kept herself busy on various fronts; projects included the planning of the Anniversary Festival and Matsuri and the opening of her own clothing store. She also assisted in updates to the Yuriba Clinic and a B&B project named the Apex Inn opened by her apprentice, Lyra. Some time in the spring of 2009, she began to occasionally show evidence of a new, storm-influenced form; as time went on, this became more common, to the point where it now seems that it might be permanent. When asked, she has always simply demurred and stated that she was stuck by lightning and is sure that must be why. Since this incident, she's steadily spent more time on her Guardian and priestess duties, taking a small step back from the more organizational parts of the town business.
She also struck up a close friendship and then a rather sporadic relationship with Abryn as their paths started to cross, the two sharing a certain philosophical bent and outlook on many aspects of life. The return of Atara was another bright spot, eventually leading to a relationship there was well.
2011 and 2012
Most of her current life focused more strongly to her duties as a priestess or Guardian, the kitsune seeming to have grown more at peace with herself. A major change came in the form of the return of her daughter, Caileadair in the fall of 2010, although rather than a child, she arrived at the island a young woman, having already grown to adulthood in Irriel's homeworld. While breis has begun to carve out a tentative relationship with her daughter, it's been somewhat unsettling for her to adapt to.
When signs began to show that Inishie-san would erupt again in the spring of 2012, breisleach spent several weeks in near-isolation in Chikyuu's Heart, engaged in the working of major magics to help stabilize the island against the effects of the quakes. She had also recently begun to feel out a renewal of her relationship with the returned Cassidy, formerly known as Kashiri, a prior mate of hers. In the end, she emerged, in many ways, to act as lure to Temair, with Inishie's high priestess being defeated by a group of citizens near the kitsune's home. Since then, she has been dealing with changes to the island and her own injuries gained in the eruption.
Towards the end of the spring, breisleach and Atara took a significant step in their relationship, and the dragoness became pregnant with twins, due some time towards the end of winter in the next year. In other fields, breisleach finished up the year focusing on restoring the island and herself, as well as trying to go out and spend more time around others, strengthening old friendships and romance after the island was so shaken.
2013 has been a year of family and focusing for breisleach, so far, with the birth of her twins with Atara on March 17th, the girls named Fog and Rose Marie. Her relationship with Abryn has also deepened significantly, and breis has been working to spend more time with her lover's wives or among the village of late, getting to know more people and expand her friendships. Motherhood has filled up a fair amount of her time, especially as the twins seem to be growing at roughly twice the rate a human child would.
In late July, after the island experienced one of the most severe summer storms it has had in the past decade, breisleach finally took on a blessing again, wearing Henyanniichuan regularly.
2014 was a relatively quiet year for the kitsune; matters Underhill have kept breisleach somewhat busy in that realm more often of late, meaning she is absent from the village more frequently, particularly in the early months. Her relationship with Abryn has continued to deepen, and she's picked up a few more relaxed relationships, primarily with Rae and Leona McAllistre, somewhere between friendship and flirting and a bit more. In the summer, she swapped her blessing to Yannyanniichuan, accompanied by a temporary shift in preferred name to Kadou. She went back in a bit of exasperation to her usual name, but the blessing has stayed changed. The one notable oddity about it is that the flames of Yannyanniichuan around her almost always appear in the shape of fluttering butterflies, reminiscent of those wielded by Aurane in earlier years...
In 2015, with Cassidy having departed the village again, breisleach has been working to rebuild and build up her social network once more. She's taken to spending a lot of time at The Baby Seal, as Allya has grown to be one of her confidantes, and her casual acquaintance with Fujiko has begun to grow into an affectionate friendship. The Seal and the antics there have helped bring her out of her shell a little and encourage her to stretch her horizons. She feels friendly towards most of the regulars, although to her pleasant surprise, Atropa and Belialtrix have proven to be particularly soothing and brought spots of quiet joy into her life. The kitsune has also developed a friendship with the newest hire at the clinic, Dr. Isis. Near the end of 2015, she and Abryn welcomed non-identical triplet daughters, Amethyst, Acacia, and Akoya. She expanded her home slightly to allow for more nursery space.
In terms of major changes, 2016 was a quiet year; breisleach maintained her deep relationships with Abryn and Atara, as well as a few more casual ones. She did start formally dating Diana_Jove after years of friendship, appreciating the woman's slightly wry humor and her willingness to be herself. Beyond that, she continued to fill her time with motherhood, teaching, and her priestess duties on both sides of the hill.
In 2017, breisleach has undergone few notable major changes; her relationship with Diana returned to one of friendship, and when Five returned to the village, she welcomed the young woman back into her home as her student. She seems to have grown a touch more reclusive, remaining at or near home a little more often, particularly towards the end of summer, although she has been active with Lily Blades in particular, including mentoring Jubilee, who she has a sort of... what she sometimes fears is turning into an affectionately despairing familial fondness for.