Ambrosia O'liquerpushazumayune | |
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Motto: | "Don't run from reality. Reject it and replace it with your own." |
IC Information | |
Name Breakdown: | Olympus (Athena), Liquer (Danielle), Hazu (Aiken), Hamaya (Neiko), Yune (Fayle) |
Race: | Human (Langnyanniichuan blessed) |
Gender/Sexuality: | Female/Bisexual |
Age: | 18 |
Birthdate: | October 9th, 1989 |
Birthplace: | London, England |
Height: | 5'2" |
Blood Type: | A |
Hair Color: | Streaks of Blue and Red |
Eye Color: | Emerald green |
Religion: | Transcendentalism/Agnostic |
Residence: | Morwen and Tess' Cave, Small Clearing, Upper Rowan Trail, Engetsu-san |
Romantic Status: | Single |
Ambrosia is a more complex character than she looks.
Contents |
Physical Description
Ambrosia is a wolf-girl most of the time. She has wolf ears, a tail, fangs and canine eyes. Her nails are a little longer than your average person, but aside from that she's completely human. Her long hair is bi-colored with streaks of red and blue; she claims that it's natural. Her eyes are green. She has a two wolf bite scars on her shoulder and neck. She's only 5'2" and small for the most part, but it makes her more lean than just frail. She's a writer and hunts, so she has a little bit of muscle.
Her style is limited to only a few outfits. When she's working at the bar she wears a maid's outfitlike the barmaid she is. Other times she will wear an over-sized black t-shirt that goes down to her knees that Leona gave to her that originally belonged to Flame. With it, she wears slippers. She still goes to school at Rinkei Gakuen and wears the standard uniform. At times, to look a little more stylish, she'll wear a gothic lolitastyle dress. In the winter she wears a long, black, hooded cloak over her clothes. In the summer, or for hot spring use, she'll wear a pink bikini that makes her look like a big present. She's also seem to have gotten into a skimp outfit that she calls a 'Blue Mage' outfit, it containing a lot of blue and white, a top hat, and she always seems to have a lollipop when she wears it. Sometimes, however, she will trade clothes with Tess for fun.
She's kind, sweet, caring, cute, loyal, naive, but most of all shy and curious. A ruthless combination it is for her. Her shyness often leads her into being naive or scared at times. She blushes more often than most girls on the island. Her shyness often leads to those around her either trying to take advantage of her freezing up or mistaking it for something worse and being overly protective. Her curiosity sometimes gets her into trouble, but has gotten her rather far in life at an early age. It had saved her life many times and changed it for the better. She owes most of the good things in her life to her curiosity.
Early Life
Her grandfather was J.R.R. Tolkien and her grandmother was not his wife. He had an affair with an aspiring writer who later gave birth to Ambrosia's mother. She was never told who her father was. Thus, when Ambrosia was born in England, her lineage was unknown to her as well.
Ambrosia's parents died when she was two years old. She was sent to an American orphanage a year later. An outbreak of disease soon struck the orphanage and all were killed except Ambrosia, who was outside at the time.
With no one to care for her, she simply walked to an abandoned library which was filled with books. Ambrosia survived in that old library until she was ten. She kept a diary and wrote her early autobiography. The work was of astounding quality for such a young writer. This whole time she was never around any people. Thusly, she was very shy when she first came into contact with anyone. The library was starting to collapse, so she swiftly left and watched it fall to the ground.
With no home, she was forced to explore. She carried only her diary because she had read all the books in the old library. She walked down a road and was picked up by a woman who quickly took her in. Ambrosia was very shy around this woman, who revealed her name as Athena Olympus. She soon adopted Ambrosia and took her in as her daughter. Once Athena had read the girl's diary, she understood the girl, but was more impressed at her writing skills.
Athena took Ambrosia to New York to get her book published. The autobiography became a best seller overnight. Ambrosia took a pen name, which is still unknown to anyone other than herself. When Ambrosia was thirteen, disaster was struck again, as Athena was killed in a mugging. Or so it seemed to Ambrosia at the time. She was unaware that the woman was actually the goddess Athena, having admired the girl for her abilities without the help of a muse.
Ambrosia quickly fled New York. She moved to Japan and once again started her career. She came into contact with a writing which told of an island populated by women and held its own deity. She knew she must find this place and begin her writing on it.
She achieved her goal at fifteen, finding Yuriba. Once there she started her sketches and writing. She met a girl named Alicia, who later became her first girlfriend. Alicia was later diagnosed as being clinically insane and was forced to leave Ambrosia. Her next girlfriend was a girl named Asanna. She also met three girls who were just as shy as herself named Tess, Neiko, and Kashiri. She quickly fell in love with Tess and became close friends with Neiko and Kashiri. Ambrosia had also fallen into the Langnyanniichuan. With her first book on Yuriba done, she once again returned to New York to publish her book. This took a few months to do.
When she returned, things had changed. Asanna had left her for another woman. Tess had a new relationship with a woman named Morwen. Even so, Tess was still in love with Ambrosia and they stayed together. Eventually, Tess and Morwen married. Even so, Ambrosia and Tess still remained deeply in love. Over time, however, she had spent time with Morwen as well as Tess and started to gain romantic feelings for her as well. She now claims both Tess and Morwen as her girlfriends. She has recently considered Kashiri her best friend. She considers Neiko, Fayle, Pandora, Danielle Liquer, and Cecily as her older sisters. She has also designated Patches (Horosha) and Aiken as her two senpai and Kora as her younger sister. She recently considered Aiken her mother.
Within the past few months, Ambrosia had actually started to get a little depressed. Because of her and Morwen's sleep schedules she had been unable to even see her at all. In fact, she would cry herself to sleep at times. Also, her friend Kashiri had lost all memory of her, Ambrosia having fallen in love with Kashiri before the memory wipe. Luckily Ambrosia being a writer, she kept a diary of her encounters with Kashiri, and having given that to her, she might regain whatever feelings she once had. However, she still had Tess. But, Tess and Ambrosia also had different sleep schedules, and due to this, Ambrosia would get rather lonely, leading her to act rather uncharacteristically, and cause more upsetting drama than she wanted. Because of this, she would cuddle with other women to fill the gap of her loneliness. However, this accidentally lead her to sleep with other women, which caused Tess to become rather jealous and upset with Ambrosia. However, Ambrosia was also getting jealous that Tess was spending more time with her friends than her, even if she wasn't cheating. This lead to a small falling out, but Ambrosia admits to it being mostly her fault. And because of this, she has said that she is willing to do all she can to fix her relationship with Tess.
As a result of them being Tess' friends she had confronted Hokuto, Nisa, and Lyra. Lyra was rather nice to her, even saving her from freezing on Abiki early in the winter. Ambrosia truly owes Lyra her life, and due to this, Ambrosia has become a bit of a 'fangirl' to Lyra. Nisa was also quite nice to Ambrosia, she being just as shy as most of her closest friends. This lead to her getting on Ambrosia's good side rather quickly. She had even asked Nisa to join her 'pack' with Tess, and formerly Kashiri. Even though she has yet to admit to it, Ambrosia can just sort of tell that Tess may have feelings for Nisa, which would make quite a bit of sense as Ambrosia was starting to get a bit of a crush on Nisa. However, because Tess was spending so much time with both Nisa and Hokuto, Ambrosia was starting to get quite jealous. She decided that if she could befriend Nisa and Hokuto, she might not be ignored.
After a few months, Ambrosia being the shy thing she is, simply let herself stay within the seclusion of the cave home, hardly leaving the house or even her room. That's not to say that she's truly a hermit, but she seems to have become even more skittish and shy than she was before she had even first arrived. Most of her time was simply spent writing and napping all day after that.
Unknowingly, she was battling a deep-seeded depression. It eventually got to the point that she simply couldn't stand continuing to stay in Yuriba. She found the closest portal and made her way back to Japan.
OOC Notes |
Her player isn't really a writer. They are all IC and apply to her background. They are by no means actual works of literature. So, don't ask her player to write you anything. Her sketches are all IC. However, the sketches are described in at least a paragraph of text within a view of her Artbook. I just want to point out there are no OOC sketches, as her player can't draw well at all. It's just an IC skill. |
- Writer - She has written over thirteen books: five novels, two biographies, a collection of encyclopedic essays, and two text books. As for the other three books, only she knows for now. She goes under an unknown pen name and only those whom she has actually given the books to directly know it.
- Sketch Artist - She has drawn pictures of quite a few Yuribans that she's run across. To see who all she's drawn ask to see her Artbook that she carries around. She doesn't take commissions or requests however. She draws who she wants and asks questions later.
- Barmaid - Although she hasn't formally been fired or quit, she simply stopped coming into work for a few months. But that's not to say that she doesn't still have the skills for it.
Despite being shy, Ambrosia seems to have quite a large amount of people she cares for. This includes, but is not limited to: (Promise to add more ^^)
- Tess - her former girlfriend, whom she still deems a friend
- Morwen - Tess' wife, whom she hasn't seen in months
- Horosha - Tess' adoptive mother and Ambrosia's senpai
- Aiken - Ambrosia's adoptive mother, however she still calls her 'senpai'.
- Fayle, Danielle_Liquer, Cecily, Neiko, Pandora - adoptive onee-chans
- Kora - Aiken's other kohai whom Ambrosia considers her imouto-chan
- Zana Utumuuan - her gishi-chan due to Fayle being her onee
- Tina - her gishi-chan due to Danielle being her onee
- Cobalt - her gishi-chan due to Cecily being her onee
- Taiki - her niece due to Zana and Fayle
- Shoujo, Dan - her neice and nephew due to Danielle and Tina
- Leona - her former employer
- Flame - Leona's wife, Aiken's senpai, and her grandsenpai
- Kashiri, Neides, Kayla, Ilunara, HiSenshi, Kaslin, Tomoe_Hotaru, A.B.A. - a few of her closest friends (not complete however ^^)
Ambrosia had found a bottle of water from the fountain of youth in the back of Leona's bar. Her curiosity got the better of her and she drank from the bottle. The main effects lasted nearly a week. Now it happens from time to time. Either Ambrosia can control it now, or it just happens. It's uncertain which.
At times, normal Ambrosia may become Mini-Ambrosia as she's been dubbed. Ambrosia shrinks in height to be about 3'6" and appears to be about 8 or 9 years old. Exactly half her normal age. She, like Ambrosia, is still a wolf-girl, but could be considered to be a puppy as this reflects her personality.
What Ambrosia lacks from being shy, Mini-Ambrosia takes up for. The little girl is very energetic like any child, but moreso like a puppy. She has no shyness or fear, but is just as curious. She's also very playful. She does keep a lot of the talents that normal Ambrosia has though. She can read just as fast, in different languages, and can still write and draw. Like any child, she can also be blunt. She will usually get frustrated when confused though.
Her memories are completely different to those of normal Ambrosia. She can remember a lot of common knowledge, but knows nothing about normal Ambrosia or her past. She knows only her name. However, Mini-Ambrosia knows her own past. She remembers everything that happens and has happened while in that state. People whom have been introduced to her while in normal state, Mini-Ambrosia will not remember, but people introduced to her as Mini-Ambrosia, she will remember the next time she shrinks.
Ambrosia's Sleepytime omo
The omo plushie are a strange race of tentacle monster plushies with boxing gloves, designed by Allya and can normally be bought at a booth during festivals. Ambrosia's particular omo is of the Sleepytime variety, in which it's tentacles normally have slippers and an old fashioned sleep cap.
Ambrosia's omo is special compared to most omo however. Rather than being just another plushie, he is a living plushie with his own personality, emotions, and mind with the ablility to move on his own.
His personality is very random and can change like any person. He will say random things when he finds it too quiet or things that seem random, but fit the situation. He enjoys to be cuddled and sees it as his duty to be so as a plushie. His loyalty lies strictly to Ambrosia whom he sees as his mistress. His other loyalties are Kitsoru, Danielle_Liquer, Kayla, and Tomoe_Hotaru. He also likes to annoy a giant key-shaped axe named Paracelsus, wielded by A.B.A. by poking it in the eye. Paracelsus has proclaimed a deep hatred of omo, but they secretly love each other.
Hotaru has an octopus plushie called Mr. TakeTako who, like omo, is fully capable of his own feelings and emotions. Some say Mr. Take might have actually given omo his soul, but this is unlikely. It's unlikely, mostly due to the fact that omo seems to have a crush on Mr. Tako, they being the only tentacled plushies on the island. However, he also seems to have a crush on Kitsoru, Dani, and Kayla.
OOC Notes |
These are the relationships of Mini-Ambrosia, which are different than that of normal Ambrosia. |
- Sleepytime omo - Her true best friend and protector.
- Tomoe_Hotaru - Her best friend
- Tess - She calls her 'Dat nice wady dat took me to eat'
- Neides - She calls her 'Dat nice woofy wady'
- Kayla and Ilunara - Her adoptive 'mommies', she wanted to eat Ilunara before Kayla converted her to vegetarianism
- Leona and Flame - She calls them her 'auntie'
- Danielle_Liquer, Tina, HiSenshi - she calls 'onee-tan'
- Aiken - she calls 'Dat nice bwind wady'
- A.B.A. - she calls 'Dat pwetty wady wif ta key head'