Yuriba Theater

OOC Notes
If anyone is interesting in working on a project with aim to be on the grid, contact Kumiko to participate. In particular, she is looking for help with organizing performances - writing plays that will be automagically broadcast to an audience, or arranging a small troupe to perform live.

Yuriba Theater is an under construction establishment being built by Kumiko. It is unknown when the theater will be complete, but Kumiko claims it's doors will open within the first quarter of 2010.

The theater is expected to host performances of all kinds, from stage plays to dance recitals as well as hopefully some acts for the local traditional festivals as well. Kumiko also anticipates renting out the theater for groups to practice with the bands, discussion panels, and anything else that requires a stage.

The theater boasts high class decor, ample seating, and a cafe of high end treats including baked goods from the Riverside Bakery.

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