Morrigan | |
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IC Information | |
Full Name: | Morrigan |
Gender/Sexuality: | Female/Lesbian (?) |
Species: | Aes Dana/Tuatha de Danaan |
Place of Origin: | Ulster, Ireland, approximately 3000 BCE |
Age/Birthdate: | 16 (apparent)/November 1st |
Height: | 5'1.5" |
Hair Color: | Dark Red |
Eye Color: | Gold |
Romantic Status: | Single |
Romantic Identification: | Oblivious |
Residence: | Ranges between Akibmi-san and the foothills |
Occupation: | Former ambassador, seeker after hidden things and trouble |
Theme Song: | Carbon Leaf - "Wolftrap and Fireflies" |
Preferences | |
Likes: | wild game, swords, psychics, wolves, night time |
Dislikes: | Inishie, volcanos, anyone younger appearing than her, modern English, magic users |
OOC Information | |
Source: | Original Character, light basis in mythology |
The enigmatic Morrigan appeared in Yuriba in the fall of 2009; a rather skittish, wild girl, she often avoids the contact of others, especially in groups, and tends to only show herself to single individuals or pairs that venture into the far northern reaches of the mountains.
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Physical Appearance
Morrigan is short by modern standards, barely past 5 foot, and is built delicately and boyish, enough so that she'd be waifish if she wasn't so athletic. The most feminine thing about her is very long, straight hair, the color a deep red, almost brown, her features are slightly sharp and wild, a perception likely influenced by her golden eyes. The thick length of her hair tends to hide that her ears come to a subtle point. Her clothing, of which she seems to own very little, is often rather badly worn and muddied from time and travel outdoors.
Morrigan is from far, far in the past; she originally was functionally incapable of speaking any modern language, and although she's since managed to pick up a somewhat shaky grasp of English, advanced or complex vocabulary still tends to confuse her. For many months, she had to communicate via gesture or pantomime, which tended to frustrate her; her absolute favorite person she's met so far is Necahual, as Neca has enough of psionic gift to be able to speak directly mind to mind.
Morrigan actually speaks Liliaceous A; she is unaware that the language is considered not just dead, but lost, or that she is the only living being to have ever visited Ravensport.
While she possesses a few magical abilities still, they are significantly less than what she once possessed... and certain magic users have treated Morrigan... poorly... in the past. As such, it's exceptionally rare that she will allow anyone to see her using them. Attempts to cast magic on her provoke revulsion on her at best, the girl quick to use violence to try and protect herself against it.
OOC Notes |
While Morrigan is currently not being actively played as a PC, she is still around on Yuriba and if requested, could be brought out again. |
Morrigan is from a culture that coexisted with Neolithic Era humans in Ireland approximately 3500 BCE. Possessing basic metal working skills as well as magical gifts, they were notably advanced from their human counterparts, although still far away from modern cultures. Warfare and raiding were common; while long lived, her people reached adulthood early, with very little adolescent transition. The daughter of the king of her people, she was sent to Yuriba to act as a representative to finalize trade negotiations between the two people; as such, she learned to speak the language of the then predominant Lily Civilization. She was trained to fight, as were all in her culture, as well as possessing a fairly notable magical gift... and the bearing of a powerful artifact meant to act as proof of her standing among her people.
Travel to the island was a rather significant journey for her; the trip there and back, as well as the negotiations, were expected to take several years. She lived with the Lilians for near to a year - long enough to pick up on many of their customs. Most significant among these in modern times has been the association of age and red clothing with leadership. (She believed for some time, based on their sole meeting and the catwoman's appearance, that Thalamasa was the current ruler of Yuriba.) Unfortunately, the time of her arrival coincided with the increasing rise in power of the cult of Inishie – the presence of a foreign power, rich with magic, the force of a long life, and a magic sword that could be taken from her led to the irresistible conclusion that the faerie girl would make an ideal sacrifice.
Captured and taken to a temple on the western half of the island, Morrigan managed to prevent her death via using nearly the entirety of her magical abilities to place a geas upon the sword; if she was killed by those trying to gain control of it, it would shatter and curse all those involved. While the priestesses of Inishie were dubious, she was convincing enough to guarantee that she wouldn't be used as a living sacrifice... but not enough so to be freed. Instead, her captors tortured her, then used their magic to lock her into the keystone of the arch that led to the temple's sacrificial altar, leaving them with the sword.
For over 5000 years, Morrigan remained trapped in the stone, until early in the fall of 2009, a young woman, trying to shut out the images of Yuriba's deadly past, shattered the keystone with a sledgehammer, freeing her. The state of the temple gave her the first warning of the passage of time - it had fallen largely into crumbled, mossy ruins, but she was largely unaware of just how long it had been at first. She spent some months traveling the fringes of the area, trying to figure out just what was going on; eventually, contact with residents of the village led her to Ella, who was at least able to impart to the young woman how long she has been "missing" and explain a bit of the modern era.
Knowing that her family is somewhere well, well beyond 'long gone', Morrigan seems to have settled into Yuriba to stay, although she has yet to take up a true residence due to her ongoing tendency towards paranoia after her long imprisonment. Careful meetings with more villagers have helped her to start learn modern language, as well as helped her adapt a little to the culture. Most of her time, however, is dedicated either to basic survival... or to searching for the sword that was taken from her. She is convinced it is hidden somewhere in the ruins of the island's Lilian past and is determined to regain this last tie to her own history.
With her skittish, rather prickly persona, Morrigan doesn't meet people easily; despite that, she seems to have managed to form a friendship with Necahual and her mate Whisper. She's familiar with Abryn and Thalamasa and seems very respectful of both, as she is of Whisper. She definitely knows Ella and while she originally was rather suspicious of the young seeming girl, Ella's apparent aging and her own deepening understanding of the changed world's she's in has led to a close friendship over time. She's also become friendly with Cassidy, the wolfgirl one of the few people she relaxes around. While not really close, she at least has a casual and respectful acquaintance with Asuna_Asagiri, Juliet, and Mirabelle.
While she's met Merin, she distrusts the fae woman's magic. An unfortunate cultural misunderstanding has led to her being quite paranoid about Cecily.