McKaelis Sisters
The McKaelis sisters | |
Aoife “Yunice” McKaelis | |
IC Information | |
Species: | Demihuman |
Place of Origin: | Tulleigh Moore, Ireland |
Birthdate: | April 2nd, 1843 |
Age: | 163 |
Height: | 5'11" |
Blood Type: | O |
Hair Color: | Orange-Red |
Eye Color: | Deep Green |
Distinguishing Marks: | A red scar, running across her chest |
OOC Information | |
Source: | Original Character |
Sophia ”Dianna” Janus McKaelis | |
![]() | |
IC Information | |
Species: | Demihuman |
Place of Origin: | Tulleigh Moore, Ireland |
Birthdate: | April 1st, 1843 |
Age: | 163 |
Height: | 5'10" |
Blood Type: | O |
Hair Color: | Black |
Eye Color: | Deep Green |
Distinguishing Marks: | Dianna's body is pockmarked by various scars, the most noticeable being one identical to Yunice’s. A birthmark in the shape of a half-moon resides on the nape of her neck. A second birthmark, reminiscent of a dagger, is just below her left eye. |
OOC Information | |
Source: | Original Character |
Feel free to drop into the girls hometown: @tel #7509 |
The McKaelis Sisters, Yunice and Dianna, hail from the beautiful Emerald Isles. Through a complicated series of events, both were made demihumans; unable to age past their 20’s.
Until recently, the girls' personalities represent almost polar opposites of each other. Yunice is blunt, brash, hubristic, and constantly upbeat. On the other hand, Dianna was quiet, introverted, and perversely morose. Even so, they seem to enjoy each other’s company more than any other person in the world.
Contents |
Early Life/Betrayal
At the time of their birth, in the 1840’s, Ireland was going through the great potato famine. Even so, the McKaelis Sisters never knew hardships; their parents, the great alchemist Atreus, and the ever beautiful Cordelia, ambassador to the gods, were constantly showered with gifts. It wasn’t until the late 1850’s that anguish arrived at their doorstep. Dressed in a black coat, no less.
As the English Crown began to respond to pockets of dissent, food became scarcer, money tight. For the family of an alchemist, such things are no matter. But the one thing Atreus couldn’t stop attacked his wife; a deadly disease, incurable to even the greatest of doctors.
On November 2, 1859, Cordelia McKaelis Died, leaving a shattered family, and a broken husband behind.
As the years passed, Atreus’ mental health declined. He turned to his sole strength--alchemy--to try and bring back the one woman he ever loved. As time progressed, he dipped into more and more taboo subjects. Unfortunately, it was one such taboo that brought the attention of Abbadon upon the McKaelis household.
Exactly 5 years later, November 2, 1864, a man in a nice, button-up suit knocked on Atreus’ door. Abbadon, a master of all things occult, gave Atreus an offer; in exchange for a small sum of money, he would tell the alchemist the secret to bringing back the dead. The price, a great price indeed, called for the heart of one of his daughters, for Cordelia’s soul.
Atreus’, having reached the depths of insanity, gathered materials, set up shop...and proceeded to experiment on his youngest daughter, Sophia (Dianna). At first, he was dismayed; Abbadon had lied to him! He was left, not with his wife, as he had hoped, but a demon, a cruel aberration.
Re-reading Abbadon’s notes, he discovered the missing ‘ingrediant’: a vessel.
That very same day, he brought a smiling Aoife (Yunice) home from school. With not a feeling of remorse, he proceeded to perform the operation on his remaining daughter. She was a success—barely. Aoife would be forever tormented as a perfect being; unable to age, forced to watch the world waste away before her.
Her appearance changed dramatically, to match that of her mothers. But she was still Aoife.
What Abbadon had not told Atreus was the trick: his wife would remain separated from her soul, for eternity. While body (and, eventually mind) would remain in the care of Aoife, Cordelia’s soul joined the ranks of Abbadon’s dark army. Ah, but that, my friends, is a story for another day.
After their father’s betrayal, a schism appeared between the two girls.
Sophia, the ever-loving, constantly hopeful daughter of Cordelia, stayed in Ireland, to support their father.
Aoife, for a time, gave up on life, and turned to debauchery, quick sex, and violence, as she made her way across Europe.
It wasn’t until the two girls were nearly 30, that they were re-united.
While Aoife traversed the world, slowly coming to terms with her situation, Sophia grew more and more restless; the improper ‘job’ her father had done was starting to catch up with her. Though she still had not aged, she began to take on a bestial attitude, as well as a demonic appearance.
On the night of Aoife’s return, Sophia had a particularly violent ‘episode’; she glided on blackened wings into a nearby village, and proceeded to slaughter each and every person, until the hills ran with rusted blood.
A fight ensued, when the two sisters found each other; Aoife being hailed as a vengeful angel, with Sophia cast in the role of the evil demon.
Not much is known what happened that night, though, as of late, they’ve become more open to talking about it.
Yuriba (a.k.a. The Good Stuff)
Where our story picks up again, the girls are 163, and 164, respectively. By this time, Aoife’s continued her roaming of the world...and has accrued dozens of languages, many new abilities, and loads of notoriety. She was never particularly skilled at keeping a low profile.
Sophia, on the other hand...well, t'be honest, we have no idea where she went. Met [Shenika]'s grandmother, once. Or perhaps her great-grandmother-- the details are abit sketchy. But, she doesn't like to chat about it. So, by all means, go ask her!
But, let's not get into those particular nuggets. I have but a short time, before losing your attention span, and, thus, your interest.
So, onto Yuriba, no?
For whatever the reason, Aoife and Sophia changed their names, along the way. When Aoife first arrived on the island, she introduced herself as "Yunice." A far cry from her original name, to be sure. But, Aoife, now Yunice, ran straight to the bar, to (try to) get drunk. She immediately hit it off with some of the Yuribans, while royally pissing off the others. It was actually kinda funny, see, this one time...
Ah, yes. Anywho, Sophia, now Dianna, arrived soon thereafter, and thus, the biggest orgy began. Or...not. The history here gets sorta convoluted. Dianna, ever the quiet one, didn't do much, save for fight with Yunice.
Yunice, though, was blessed with an eternal horniness, and had a new girlfriend everyday of the week. Nay, almost every other day! It was eternal embarrassment to the quiet, composed Dianna. See, here, though, is where things get interesting-- when they tried to 'fix' themselves. Both were sorta tired of being soulless, so they started researching methods with which they could bring themselves back.
Mostly alchemical methods, mind you...the very same thing that spiritually mutiliated them, in the first place. Details are sketchy. They didn't tell anyone anything, other than vague references to "Royally F***ing everything up." In the aftermath, there was a wide open plot, and a deep tunnel, where their house used to be. And, they disappeared.
Eight months later, something semi-interesting happened. Dianna returned.
Much to her chagrin, she wasn't really 'noticed'; that is, noone seemed to have missed her.
But, she looked the exact same as when she left. Same scars, same hair...different clothing, that made her look homeless, but all pretty much the same. One noteable difference, though-- a black crow often rode her shoulder. A crow named Yunice. Not to be confused with a fish named Wanda.
Now, it seems that, in their search for humanity, they found an ancient temple in Soviet Russia. Ha, got you there-- bet you didn't think the commies had temples, did you? Well, shows how much /you/ know. This was before there were even such /things/ as commies.
So, they go into this Russian temple, fight their way through Indiana Jones-esque traps, and get a bottle full of mysterious fluid. Yunice decides that she should be the one to try it out. By that time, they were pretty damn eager to die. Hey, for soulless beings, 164 could be /abit/ annoying, after awhile! Turns out that, in all their travels, neither of them knew how to read proper Russian. They could speak it like natives, good on the reading.
Yunice takes it down to a restaurant, and asks the waiter to read the bottle for her. But, herein lies a problem: they forgot to tip the guy. /And/ Dianna staved off his pitiful flirtations. So, the guy misreads it. No /big/ deal...right?
Yet somehow, with that tiny mistranslation (read: glaring error), Yunice was surprised with being turned into an animal. Specifically, a different animal, every month. Her cycle was long, complicated, and symbolic of our own 'special time of month'. Except it was abit more painful, and with less blood. Imagine having to become morbidly obese, in a matter of two seconds, followed by an intense vacuum in your gut, where you change into /something/ Fun, huh?
Yuriba--part 2 (a.ka. The Great Reckoning of the Second Forceful Shadow Monster of Eve (a.ka. Spiffy title, here!))
Well, things became hunky-dory. Sorta. In a manner of speaking.
Let me ask you all something: if once, you urinate on an electric plate on the ground, and it explodes, essentially shredding your groin...would you be eager to do that again? Keep that question in mind, to realize just how moronic these two can be.
Yunice gets tired of being bestial. People keep making fun of her. Especially the peeps at the bar-- everyone keeps throwing peanuts at her, or shouting out "Never more!" Hey, guess what? She gets it! You people are quoting Poe-- ha ha, hilarious, because she's a Raven!
Needless to say, she got tired of that, pretty fast. And decided to alchemically f*** with herself, again, see if she could get her soul back to normal.
Well, she found something. See, turns out that the answer was her home, all along. Ask her about that, sometime...she really loves to talk about her home. Now that she's "incapacitated", that is.
So, Yunice leaves, once more, with Dianna. That's the fun part about being soulless; the Island doesn't quite hold as much a sway over you. So, Dianna can go around grabbing things, and come right back, right as rain.
Speaking of right as rain, not all was nice and sunny in McKaelis-ville.
Dianna returns, all chipper, boisterous, and.../loud/. A binary to her earlier self.
And she brings with her, not a little animal...but a little girl. Who goes by the name of Aoife.
For some, life sucks, and than you die.
For them, life sucks, and you start all over again.