
The History of Sashgala Weaver of Silks

Daughter of an Elven lord Sashgala was requested to travel by ship, from her homeland in the Sapphire Forests to the Isles of Mist, on a diplomatic mission of peace. After three days asea the ship was caught in a great storm and Sashgala herself knocked unconscious and thrown overboard...her last memory is of a burning light emanating from what seemed a tear in the sky and herself being drawn into it at frightening speed....when she awoke she lay upon a sand bank. The sky above was filled with strange constellations and held but one moon. Still dazed she made her way ashore and wandered aimlessly for some days through forests until she happened upon a small temple in the mountains. There she prayed and her prayers were answered for when she stood at last, her strength of will had returned and the tattered remnants with which she'd been adorned had been replaced with clothes. Filled with a new strength she made her way down the stone stairs that led to the temple and found her way to the village of Yuriba. And so the tale length she made friends and found the memories of her former world fading as she grew to feel more at home in this new place. One day while wandering the forests she found an abandoned stone cottage in a small clearing which she made her own.

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