Usagi/Summer Matsuri
(This is only a template to be used for IC use on the MUSH.)
@create Archery Booth
@create Native Charm Shop
@desc Archery Booth=Off to one side of the main road sits a large space that has been cleared of any obstructions; several bows and quivers sit a good distance apart from one another. Across from them sit a neat row of large straw targets marked with paint to denote the scoring system. A small field clinic sits to the left of the range in the event that one of the patrons is injured. A large wooden sign sitting in front of the shooting line displays the games available, and the respective cost of each in lilies. Fastened to one wall of the field clinic is a list of rules concerning bow and arrow safety.
@desc Native Charm Shop=Upon passing through one corner of the fairly large booth, you find yourself surrounded by four tables adorned with numerous animal statues in different colors. Each of the tables is labeled with the corresponding name of each cardinal deity and is covered with a cloth matching said deity's primary color. Sitting atop all four is a list detailing the price of each figurine, along with a sign warning to avoid breaking the merchandise.