
Lena Oxton
Quote: "Keep Calm, and Tracer on!"
IC Info
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian
Age: 26
Date of Birth: November 22nd
Place of Origin: London, England
Height: 5'7"
Weight:  ???
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Bloodtype: A POS
Hobbies: Adventuring
Likes: Going fast, having fun, meeting new people!
Dislikes: Taking things slow, being lazy, people who can't take a joke!
Romantic Status: Single
Romantic Identification: Monogamous
Religion: Agnostic
Occupation: Former Overwatch Agent
OOC Info


Lena Oxton, Callsign TRACER, is one of the youngest operatives to have ever joined the global peacekeeping force known as OVERWATCH. Born in London, England as Overwatch was first being established during the Omnic War, a young Lena looked up to the peacekeepers and heroes of Overwatch, and had dreams of one day joining their ranks, so she too could become a hero, and protect others from whatever might rear its head. She worked hard towards this goal, diligently and with a cheerful enthusiasm that would become her hallmark. Eventually, she became a fighter pilot. And from there, a test pilot, the best of the best. She was selected to join Overwatch's experimental flight operations division, specifically to fly their new prototype air superiority fighter, the SLIPSTREAM. This revolutionary aircraft had the unique ability to teleport in mid-flight.

Lena handled the aircraft expertly, but when they attempted to test the teleportation matrix, something went horribly wrong. Both Lena and the Slipstream vanished, never to be heard from again. Or so they thought. Lena was presumed dead, but appeared several months later in an Overwatch facility. She was unable to touch, interact with, or maintain physical form for very long. She was phasing in and out of the flow of time. She would disappear for days, even weeks at a time. Overwatch's brightest minds could not come up with a solution to Lena's condition, now termed Chronal Dissociation.

That is, until her friend Winston, who had been working tirelessly on a solution, came up with the Chronal Accelerator. A device that not only helped to keep Lena's molecules within the proper scope of time, the device also stored that energy and allows Lena to control her own time, as well. She can speed up, slow down, or rewind brief periods of her own time, making her exceptionally nimble. While her piloting career was at an end, she was quickly taken on as one of Overwatch's most successful and dedicated field agents.

When Overwatch collapsed, she and her friend Winston continued to loan their services and talents to those who would continue to fight against the forces of evil, and actively maintained contacts with other former Overwatch members, keeping themselves at the ready should another conflict arise.


Tracer is from London, and thus has a cockney accent from that area of England, that makes her already bright and optimistic attitude all the more infectious. Young and idealistic, she truly believed in Overwatch, and what it stood for. She still does, and sees herself and all of its former members as heroes. She's has a great deal of determination and courage for someone her age, unafraid to throw herself into any situation, if it means helping a friend or righting a wrong. She's also very friendly, easy to talk to, and quick with a joke to lighten the mood. She isn't too tolerant of those who are rude, mean spirited, or plain bad.


Tracer has made a few friends, since arriving to Yuriba. She likes to hang out at The Baby Seal Club, most of the time, finding that they're always quick with a cup of her favorite tea and some jovial conversation, which tends to remind her a lot of home.

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