Spotted Midnight Owlet

The Spotted Midnight Owlet is a species of owl native to Yuriba. While the species is a very prodigal one, Spotted Owlets are very hard to point out due to their black plumage and a penchant for burrowing deep into trees.



The Spotted Midnight Owlet are very small (19cm) birds of prey with dark metallic plumage. The facial disc is shaded a soft white color and circle both large golden eyes in a glasses-like pattern. Below this on the nape of the neck, two eyespots of the same color dot the black shimmering feathers. Physically, the birds are very diminutive in stature and surprisingly slender for an owl species. Their wingspan is great compared to their bodies, almost 40cm in all. They possess thick bone white legs with feet tipped by sharp glittering claws of black. Their bills are the same shade of white as their legs.

To make up for their small size in nature, the Spotted Owlet are a very aggressive species of birds of prey. Despite the obvious size difference they have been known to attack the Noble Sea-Eagle since they are a part of it's prey. Their own diet consists mainly of insects like the Rainbow Faefly and Springskimmer. They supplement this with small rodents such as Stone Sitters or mice.

Behavior and Mating

These birds are a very reclusive species to all but their own and those few birds who retain a colorful plumage. They maintain a fastidious nature, very set upon the appearance of themselves and that of their nests. It is these nests that determine one's mate, potential owls flying about once every two seasons to view the newly lined colorful nests.

The Spotted Midnight Owlet is a polyamorous individual. A single owl tends to stick with two to three mates at one time, never going over that number. This could be because of the number of eggs that a single bird can lay which is three to four at one time. Some nests have been known to maintain twelve eggs at once despite that there is a high rate of accident in such crowded conditions. It's not uncommon to find the black and blue speckled shell of a Spotted Midnight Owlet's egg smashed on the forest floor below.

Despite this, the birds bond together to form a fiercely protective parental unit. They watch after their young for almost a full month after being hatched and then will abandon the nest, leaving them to fend for themselves. It is this harsh method of survival that keeps the prodigal population of the bird in check. Their numbers greatly fluctuate between the end of winter and start of spring and keep fairly level until the end of summer and start of fall.

Nesting and Range

The Spotted Midnight Owlet is hailed as one of the most elusive birds to spot on Yuriba, despite the fact that it's piercing low cry sounds out across the foothills of the island for a full minute upon the midnight hour. This is the only time one can hear their call. The only other exception to this is when an egg is lost or does not hatch. Then their usual low cry takes on a soft undulating quality, much like weeping.

These birds of prey create their own nests by using their strong clawed feet to dig into weak spots of a tree. Nests usually take a full month or so to fully take form. Once completed, the owl's burrow is usually 80cm all around in as perfect a circle as they can manage. The openings to these nests measure a full 30cm, just enough to permit one owl at a time while entering. A curious habit of the owl is collecting the colorful feathers from other birds such as the Lyrical Fairybird or Pendulum Finches to line their nests. After two seasons pass the owls will sweep the nest lining clean with their short stubby tails and repeat the process of collecting new colorful feathers.


Due to the Spotted Midnight Owlet's aggressive nature, they do not domesticate well. The usually docile birds tend to steer clear of the more populated areas of the island to avoid contact with villagers. When their nest or an owl is threatened their family will swoop down and utter a shrill 'ki ki ki ki' whistling sound, so high pitched it is painful to hear and often causes retreat.

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