Sailor Moon

Sailor Moon
IC Information
Race: Rabbit-Lunarian/Human hybrid
Gender/Sexuality: Female, Lesbian
Age: Actual-1,020 Perceived-20
Birthdate: June 30th
Birthplace: Silver Millennium/Tokyo
Height: 4 feet 11 inches
Blood Type: O
Hair Color: Blond
Eye Color: Blue
Religion: Shinto
Residence: Pamela's apartment, Sun Lily Suites
Romantic Status: Engaged(Pamela Isley, Rei Hino, Buffy Summers, Chisa)
Romantic Identification: polyamorous
Hobbies: Eating, sleeping
Dislikes: Dentists, lightning


Physical Description

Before you is a very fair-skinned Japanese girl of about 23 years of age. Her features are largely typical of Asian girls, with the exception of her hair-which is shaped into twin odango hanging from either side of her head. As for her clothes, she's dressed in a short-sleeved bodysuit and a tri-colored miniskirt. A sailor-style collar accents an embroidered tiara, a pair of small clustered hairpins, a red crescent moon-emblazoned choker, two large hairpieces on her odango, and a heart-shaped brooch. A pair of knee-length boots and elbow-length gloves complete her uniform.


Her personality can be defined as overly cheerful and somewhat childish, but it changes considerably in battle. She maintains a sense of naivete and a carefree attitude, however-along with infectious optimism and a profound love for both allies and enemies.

Early Life

Silver Millennium-As the princess of the Silver Millennium, Serenity found herself enamored by life on Earth and Prince Endymion; this caused a rift, however, between them and another queen named Beryl, which ultimately led to her kingdom being destroyed. She, her court and guardians, and Endymion were sent into a 1,000 year sleep.

Tokyo-Once she was awakened as Sailor Moon, her life began to change dramatically. She expressed stubborn reluctance at first, but gradually began to understand the power she held and its associated responsibilities-this, in turn, led to her gaining more power through ascensions to Super, and finally, Eternal Sailor Moon with the help of her friends.

Crystal Tokyo-After another 1,000 year sleep, Sailor Moon is destined to bring the Earth back to life and establish an age of peace as she transitions into Neo-Queen Serenity. By this point, she will have retired from a life of fighting darkness as the Senshi of the Moon-effectively surpassing the kingdom she'd left behind.


Since arriving on the island, Super Sailor Moon has grown somewhat fond of the relative tranquility that Yuriba offers. She still manages to keep in touch with the other members of her team and a watchful eye over Tokyo.


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