OOC:The breisleach Scale of Dubiousness

The breisleach Scale of Dubiousness is an informal scale indicating the level of skepticism, suspicion, or doubtfulness that a given statement induces in oneself.


It is not certain at what point the scale began to come into general usage, although it is certain that breisleach is the originator of the scale, expressing dubiety in statements made by either Ruriko, with regards to the creation and playing of alts, or Slacker, in general.


The standard unit of Dubiousness used by the scale are breises, (singular: breis) specifically with an non-capitalized letter "b". The scale ranges from 0 to 5 breises, zero being a statement that can be taken at face value, and 5 being "Liar, liar, pants on fire." Traditionally, the 5 rating is never used, as the MUSH might very well crash under such circumstances.

The scale increases logarithmically; therefore a given rating of three breises indicates that an individual is ten times more dubious of the rated statement than a rating of two breises, and a rating of four breises indicates a hundredfold dubiety of the statement.

Usage Example

Ruriko, on a public channel, states, "I really should roll that ibex minotaur alt I've been meaning to roll." breis responds with an emote, rating it two breises on the scale.

OOC: The breisleach Scale of Dubiousness
Yes, it's silly. Yes, it's ridiculous. But the author of this article threatened to follow through with the threat of codifying it in the wiki, and so she did.
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