OOC:Q&D Multidesc
This article is strictly OOC. Referencing anything in this article in-character |
Just a smidgen complicated to set up, but easy once it is, promise. :)
Type @parent me=#397
If you already have anything in your @description or the &desc attribute, they need to be cleared - I suggest cut and pasting into a text editor if you have something you don't want to lose. Then, type '@desc me' and '&desc me' to clear the attributes. This will let the basic descriptions of the player parent override yours. Then, add the following things :
@set me=!no_command
&desc me=Description based attributes
&desc`base me=Form/Body/Race attributes
&desc`clothes me=Clothing based attributes
&desc`state me=Current description referents
&desc`state`base me=temp
&desc`state`clothes me=temp
Let's assume for a start that you want to have a basic description of yourself named 'Basic' and an outfit named 'bluejeans'.
All base description names are in the format &desc`base`<variable>, so one named basic would be &desc`base`basic. To set it on yourself, you'd type something like this :
&desc`base`basic me=A girl with short brunette hair in a pageboy and a warm friendly grin. Her eyes are blue and covered by a pair of catseye frame glasses. She's about 5 foot 8 inaches tall, and bony in build.
For clothes, it's the same thing, except the format is &desc`clothes`<variable>. So, here we have :
&desc`clothes`bluejeans me=She's wearing a pair of faded Levi jeans that are frayed around the hems, cowboy boots, and a black tshirt.
The descer automatically put in a paragraph break and an indentation in before each variable. So, assuming this girl is Bobbette, if she typed 'look me' she should see this :
A girl with short brunette hair in a pageboy and a warm friendly grin. Her eyes are blue and covered by a pair of catseye frame glasses. She's about 5 foot 8 inches tall, and bony in build.
She's wearing a pair of faded Levi jeans that are frayed around the hems, cowboy boots, and a black tshirt.
In this example, Bobbette also has the clothing descriptions &desc`clothes`nude and &descs`clothes`ballgown. If she wants to change into one of these outfits, she'd use the +outfit <name> command. For example :
+outfit ballgown
will change her description to show her wearing the ballgown instead of the bluejeans, and so forth. If you type in an outfit name that doesn't exist, the parent will warn you.
To change forms, the format is +base <name>. This changes the base part of your description.
These two commands will return a two column list of the names of all descriptions of the type specified. When you swap descriptions, these are the names you use.
To get a list of all your outfits names, use : +wardrobe
To get a list of all your base description names, use : +bases
Examine the parent and copy the &desc_normal into &desc_<yourcursename>. If you're catgirl cursed, for example, you'd copy it into your &desc_catgirl me=.
Write a body description for your cursed form. Bobbette might do this :
&desc_catgirl me=%t[u(desc`base`[v(desc`state`base)])]%r%t[u(desc`clothes`[v(desc`state`clothes)])]
&desc`base`catgirlcurse me=A catgirl with short brunette hair in a pageboy and a warm friendly grin. Fuzzy, blue furred cat ears stick out of her hair. Her eyes are blue and covered by a pair of catseye frame glasses. She's about 5 foot 8 inches tall, and bony in build. When she turns around, you can see she has a long, blue tail with soft fur.
Then, add in these two pieces of code :
&acold me=+base <cursedbasename>
&ahot me=+base <normaldescname>
For Bobette, these would have been &acold me=+base catgirlcurse and &ahot me=+base normal.
You will then automatically switch betwen your catgirl and your normal description when splashed.