OOC:Autologging in Potato

OOC Notes
A more technically written version of this can be found at https://github.com/talvo/potato/wiki/Logging - This is the client coder's version. The one here is simply rephrased to make it more direct for those with lower comfort with technical speak.

Potato[1] is one of the most popular current MU* clients, working on almost all operating systems. It is really fantastic, but implementing logging in it can be a bit confusing. Here's simple directions:

1) Click on Options and select Global Macro Window

2) Click the far left icon on the lower left (add macro)

3) Name it logroll

4) Type in the following, replacing '<DRIVE>' with which drive on the computer you want your logs saved on, and '<FOLDER STRUCTURE>' with the location of the correct folder on that drive.

 /log -stop
/log -buffer _none -- <DRIVE>:/<FOLDER STRUCTURE>/[/get _name]/[/get _char]/log-%Y-%m-%d.txt
/at tomorrow 00:00:01=/run logroll

Here is a visual example:


5) Hit the save button.

6) Go to the configuration for your world, and select Auto-Sends

7) Set under Send before log in info

/run logroll

Visual example:


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