


       +rumors                          - Lists all rumor categories
       +rumors <category>               - Lists all rumors within category
       +rumors/add <category>=<text>    - Adds a new rumor
       +rumors/all                      - Reads all rumors in all categories (spammy)
       +rumors/scan                     - Scans for unread rumors
       +rumors/del <category>/<number>  - Deletes a rumor
       +rumors/addcategory <category>   - Adds a new category of rumor
       +rumors/delcategory <category>   - Deletes a category of rumor

All rumors will degrade over time based on views, eventually fading off entirely once reaching a certain point. The /delete switch is restricted to the person who started the rumor, or staff. Staff are also the only ones who can use the /addcategory and /delcategory switches.


Rumors can be silly...

       +rumors/add Weird="Did you see what Allya was doing?" "No, what'd I miss?" "She was doing some gnarly tricks on a skateboard!" "Radical."

A hook for potential plots...

       +rumors/add General=Ehhh, did you hear that they say there are strange sounds coming from the caves under the village? If you go down there when there is a new moon you can hear weird scraping on the walls like someone is trying to get out!

About yourself or someone else...

       +rumors/add General=Miyako has been running around a lot between the Crimson Rose and Sword and the New Moon lately.

Or downright bizarre...

       +rumors/add Weird=Did you hear that the Seal actually serves homeless people who have gone missing in the Hobostew?

Note: All commands will also work spelled as +rumours.

While posting rumors is anonymous, staff can see who started any particular rumor and when- posting a rumor about someone else is OK provided it's not malicious (unless there is consent). As always, play nice.

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