Muddy Nettlefish
Muddy Nettlefish are a type of spiked lungfish that can be found in larger bodies of freshwater, as well as the Rampart River. The fish is called 'muddy' due to its splotchy brown scales that help it blend in with the silt deposits or large mud patches where it likes to hide. These fish can live out of water for a short time, and have been known to be found up to 200 meters (656 feet) away from their primary water source. The average life expectancy is about thirty-five years. They average from 50 to 80 centimeters (1.5-2.6 feet) in length and have a thin layer of retractable spines that are used to defend them from predators. The spines secrete a non-deadly toxin that in an average human would cause major skin irritation and if ingested extreme nausea. Due to this toxin, muddy nettlefish are often the bane of barefooted swimmers.
Because of the toxin they are not particularly sought after for food by the native populace. They are however, edible if the correct meat is harvested. Muddy Nettlefish are often sedentary creatures and find themselves easy prey for larger predators that have learned to go for the less dangerous parts.