Lillian Macaque

Now extinct Lillian Macaques were a native race of white furred monkeys which are said to have gone extinct after the eruption of Inishie that wiped out the Lillians.


Lillian Macaques share the most similarities with the Old World monkeys called Bonnet Macaques, from most versions of Earth. They are smaller, no more than 50 CM in length, but possess a tail that can actually grow to be longer than the rest of their body. On average they weigh around 4 KG. Their bodies are covered in short white fur, and wide eyes. Most notably, while old world monkeys typically do not have prehensile tails, the Lillian macaques do, and use them to hold tools, climb trees and eat food.


While most text regarding them has been lost to time, some old material suggests that the Lillian macaque was a favorite of the young goddess Melit due to their naturally curious nature and use of tools. It was said that Melit would play games with them and enjoy their company. After the disaster of the Lillian civilization, the creature was wiped out including Melit's pet, which caused the young Goddess to go into hiding for thousands of years.

It is also said Yuannyanniichuan draws from the Lillian macaque as well as other species of monkeys who were brought to Yuriba later.

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