
Konglongnyanniichuan is a Jusenkyou Spring that grants a form that is a cross between a human being and a ceratopsian (horned and frilled herbivorous) dinosaur. In addition to the possibility of cranial horns and frills, those doused in this spring sometimes show significant increases in body mass and overall size.


Locals associate this spring with the volcanic goddess Inishie, and it seems to be considered as somewhat disconcerting, even actually possibly dangerous. In fact, this is the only spring that one will regularly hear to locals referring to as a "curse", rather than the standard "blessing" associated with all other Jusenkyou springs.

Current Events

Recently, rumours of a new path to the old spring have filtered down through the village, but whoever found it isn't talking. After all, if it's an actual curse, why would anybody actually want to seek it out?

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