Jenny Schecter

Jenny, as seen with her hair grown out.
Jenny Schecter is a young writer of Jewish descent. Having recently arrived in Yuriba with the intent of a long vacation, the carefree lifestyle of the island has enticed her to consider longer-term residence.


Vital Statistics

Physical Description

Hobbies, Skills, and Employment

Jenny is a talented young writer, having published several shorts, some which have won awards. She holds an MFA from the Iowa Writer's Workshop and has studied under writing teacher Charlotte Birch.


Jenny has only recently realized her sexuality. Having been originally engaged to marry a man named Tim, the move to Los Angeles brought new light to her own attraction to women, with no small thanks to her new neighbors Bette and Tina. She took up an affair with a woman named Marina, but soon ran off to elope with Tim. This didn't last, and she soon found herself divorced and on the rebound. A series of complicated relationships later has lead her into the arms of her longtime friend and roommate since the divorce, Shane McCutcheon. Together, Shane and Jenny took off for Yuriba, leaving the drama of their lives in Callifornia behind, at least for a while.


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