
Quote: "Al-Iman."
IC Info
Race: Fremen.
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Date of Birth: April 14th, 1989
Place of Origin: Sietch Ardi, Arrakis
Height: 4'2"
Eye Color: Blue pupils, with the 'whites' dyed blue
Hair Color: Light Brown.
Romantic Status: Involved with Nisa and Juliet
Religion: Zensunni
Occupation: Former Knife Bearer
OOC Info
Source: Original Character derived from Frank Herberts "Dune" and Phillip Pullman's "His Dark Materials". Many liberties are taken, in each.

Iessica was a young woman of the planet Arrakis, fresh off her mission to find the 'middle world.' She seemed to be a dichotomy study in classic shyness and flamboyancy, while still retaining some strange charm, that attracted other women to her like bees to honey.

Or so Fenestra might tell you. Rather, she might be a scholar, and from Arrakis-- most of her charm, though, came from the various adventures she'd partaken in, rather than any one personality trait in particular.

In only a little over a year since Iessica landed here, she doesn't seem to've changed her mind much -- while certain events might scare away lesser women, Iess had a portable bear-cannon to throw at those depressing moments, and a Nisa to hide behind when things get too rough.


Travel History

Iessica's history was, quite frankly, vague and spotty, at best. Very little made sense. But, what can be gathered was this; the woman visited a number of worlds, over a period of ten years, and gathered research on them all. While most of her stories were boring, and of little consequence, there are a few she and Fenestra seemed to find entertaining-- mostly those of Malsilva, Duskatelle, and Earth.


"Well, see," Iessica says, with a barely contained snicker, "we only'd just than realized that the entire city was floatin' above the planets surface. What we thought were earthquakes, were really wind shakin' the trees."

To a young woman who's lived a good deal of her life underground, and the rest on the surface of a desert-planet, the air doesn't hold much wonder. That is to say, it's just there. Something one takes for granted-- air is above, dirt below. It was Iessica's second universe, just after Maati, and she was in for a big surprise.

The universe of Malsilva had been in existence for just as long as every other. However, its flora and fauna evolved in radically different ways than that of nearly any other. It...grew. And grew. And grew. Soon enough, the planet was but a fraction of the plantlife that inhabited it. Massive trees shot out and reached into space, creating a new layer of atmosphere in the process. The planets surface was all but forgotten, as branches intertwined, and locked into place.

The natives, of course, evolved to fit this plan of evolution. Massive platforms were hewn from the trunks and branches until, strangely, the world seemed one large metropolis, with the planets true surface long forgotten.

IC Info
Race: Daemon
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Date of Birth: April 14th, 1989
Place of Origin: Sietch Ardi, Arrakis
Height: Variable.
Weight: Variable.
Eye Color: Variable.
Hair Color: Variable.
Religion: Zensunni.
Occupation: Self-Appointed King of Yuriba
OOC Info


Iessica blushes, furiously, and grins. "We didn't really stop and think there were other ways of communicating. So, while we thought ever'one was just shy, and quiet, we were really being loud, and rude, without knowing it. Spilling our thoughts, history, desires..." She blushes, more, and grins. "It wasn't until a lot later that we realized they communicated via smell."

Iess had been one of the luckier Bearers; she’d not, until now, encountered any worlds that’d evolved in a remarkably different manner than her own. Which was, in no small way, extraordinary-- of the infinite combinations that the girl might’ve stumbled into, almost all had a similar language, inhabitants of almost the exact same biological makeup, and geographical composition.

It was on Duskatelle that things sorta got ‘weird.’ From the moment she arrived, not a word was spoken to her-- the only noises were of people moving, and shifting about, or the call of birds, and other wild animals. Her initial reaction was one of disappointment; were these people so afraid of outsiders, that they took a vow of silence, or something, around her?

It didn’t occur to Iessica, until a kind soul used rudimentary hand-signs to tell her what was goin’ on; these people communicated with each other through careful manipulation of their own scents and odors.

All of a sudden, things started to fit into place; why people might avoid her, or give her funny looks. These people had evolved to control their odor as a necessity, much in the same manner that her people had developed their own language. Little details, from the funny-smelling blocks of wood (signposts), to the lack of any clear written text-- it was like all the building blocks falling into place.


The girl frowns, and scratches her nose. "Well, ever'one there thought the commies'd blow them up. I wanted to help, so I went over to Russia, and ever'one there thought the yankee's'd blow them up. And because the commies thought the yankee's'd blow 'em up, they were gonna blow them up first, and because the yankee's thought the commies'd blow them up, they were gonna blow up the commies first."

Fenestra bobs his furred head. "They were like children."

One planet that the pair stopped at, Earth, seemed to be the perfect technological median. Not nearly as advanced as Arrakis, or even Malsilva, yet simultaneously much more advanced than either Duskatelle, or Hor’Ous, Earth seemed to hold a thousand different possibilities. This place had the potential to be either the first real utopia, or just another number in a growing list of dystopic worlds.

And it was looking to be leaning towards the latter.

While the society seemed to be in a good place, little things seemed ‘off.’ The television constantly blared the danger of the communists. The radio, too. Its people seemed content, and happy, without worry of government intervention, or...whatever.

There was a strange, underlying fear, though; the commies. They were everywhere. In your drinking water, in your homes, in your children, mothers, fathers, brothers sisters lovers. They were everywhere.

Iessica, of course, wanted to help eliminate this fear-- so she strove to the heart of Russia, to find these evil people. After all, what sort of benevolent God (the sort she believed in) could make a group of peoples bloodthirsty savages, who ate babies, and shat in your wives vivisected corpse?

But it was strange. The Russians, these people... they were just as, if not moreso, scared as their American counterparts. What was even more interesting, was that this pervasive fear that influenced every aspect of their life, of both countries lives, was to turn the Earth into a hunk of irradiated wasteland.

What a shame, when fear provokes violence.

Yuriban History

One of the last planets Iessica studied on, Kuram na Smekh, was a (mostly) wasted effort. The young woman overstayed her normal one-month period, trying to crack the mystery that was Smeck. The place had abundant life but, unlike many of the worlds she’d visited previously, nothing seemed to be what could be classified as “intelligent.” But, spurred on by her most recent screw-up (that of Duskatelle), the girl was absolutely sure she was just missing something. So she latched onto the only thing that made sense; the bugs. Yes, the bugs! She spent almost the entire two months, trying to learn their customs, where their animus could be found, that sort of thing. Even now, she won’t quite believe that they were, for better or for worse, just bugs.

Having gone through two planets with lots to talk to, but nothing to talk back, Iessica went a little stir-crazy. There was, if I recall, a period where she’d spend the entire day holding lively debates between herself, Fenestra, and the local flora. The unfortunate effect of which meant that the girl would latch onto who or whatever could talk to her...and some things that wouldn’t talk to her, but would make a good captive audience.

Almost the moment she stepped through into the odd amalgamation of worlds that is Yuriba, Iessica found a friend. While it was a one-sided friendship, it was a friendship nonetheless, and the girl latched onto this nice young woman (her new friend kept making obscene gestures-- but she seemed nice enough!). But alas, the friendship wouldn’t last. Iess wouldn’t ‘put out’ (as the faux-native put it), and, what with her talkative nature, was told (numerous times) to “shut the f*** up, for godsakes, you’re like my mother.” That hurt. It hurt her deep.

Several minutes later, when she’d forgotten her ill-begotten friend, Iessica made (gasp!) a new friend! Hell, she made two new friends! This was a 100% increase-- she was being efficient! Proud as ever, Iessica and Fenestra began to chat up their two newest, bestest friends, Myria and Matthias. While the former seemed oddly amorous with the Fenestra (with lots of references to kisses!), the two seemed to be good critters, all and all.

Now, this friendship lasted for a good long while...but it was time for deus ex machina to have its wily ways with the girl. She'd had, ever since becoming the Bearer, a rather nasty looking injury; both her pinky and ring finger, from her right hand, are lopped off, leaving but a single knuckle to wiggle around in the air. Being that she’d had this injury for nearly ten years, she’d learned to care for it in a manner almost befitting of “Ripley’s Believe It Or Not.” She could tie bandages with one hand, put rings on her other fingers, and...and do other nifty things, that other people with those fingers missing couldn’t do.

However, keeping this sort of injury clean is a monumental task, in and of itself. So it should’ve come as no surprise that one day, after it had rained a good deal (and when one sleeps in a hole in the ground, this meant mud), her bandaged hand started leaking pus and unhealthy fluids of the viscous sort. The girl was forced into finding a hospital, if only to clean and redress the bandages; it was here she met Lyra and, eventually, Hokuto.

At first, Lyra seemed appalled at the state of Iessica’s hand. I mean, let’s face it; amputated fingers aren’t exactly scraped up knees. I believe (and she may correct me on this), Lyra almost found Iess’s laid-back attitude to be more confusing than the incurable nature of the wound itself. But it sort of made sense; while Lyra’d only seen the damage for all of five minutes, Iessica’d lived with it for a good many years. Obviously, someone’s sense of normality was skewed!

Every week after that, Iess would come in and get her bandages redone. And it was in this way that she met Hokuto, and breisleach.

Each of the two women had similar reactions as Lyra, if slightly varied. While Hokuto seemed to explode all over Iess in a gooey mess of verbal slights and worries, breis (almost in a frighteningly maternal way) sorta ‘tut-tut’ed Iess.


Iessica's biggest identifying characteristic would be her lack of bigness; that is to say, she's almost as short as, if not shorter than, most children younger than ten. The way she's built would suggest physical maturity-- but whether bad genes, or simply an inherited cultural trait, the girl's barely an inch or two above four feet. In fact, while she would never admit this to breisleach or Nisa, the girl was rather proud that she'd grown a whole inch since arriving at Yuriba.

For the most part, though, she's rather average; if you overlooked the missing digits on her right hand, the simple brown hair (often rather frizzy) and nondescript, spartan clothing might fool you into thinking she was a quiet girl.


Iess' nature seems almost to be twofold; while the girl's personality can almost perfectly be encapsulated with a single word ("Silly"), she seems to have brief moments of maturity, fleeting instances in which the girl could very well appear to be almost an adult.

Barring these few occurances, though, Iessica is very much a child at heart; both she and Fenestra can derive an immense amount of pleasure from climbing tree's and playing in the water-- and of her little group of friends, she seems almost to be the "little sister" archetype. Still, while some level of immaturity is guarentee'd, the almost boundless excesses of optimism and energy tend to shape her as a childish adult-- rather than a childish child.


(OOC Note: This would be Lyra ( ), not Lyra)

Iessica has a sort of 'dream fragment'; a shard of a memory, a ghost of some long-since-dead woman. Yet despite the differing personalities, and the schism between Iessica's knowledge and Lyra's, the two seem inherently connected-- Lyra's physical state, for example, reflects Iessica's own mental state. When the latter begins to deteriorate, so does the former.

The interesting (and sometimes problematic quirk) is that Lyra likes to wander. On several occasions, she's been known to find herself conversing with someone other than her host-- often without the "victim's" conscious knowledge.

As of late, though, a sort of schism has appeared between the dreamform and her namesake; rather than being a true mirror of the original Lyra, she's started to "evolve"-- either with the help of Iessica's rather cluttered mind, or by the islands natural energies --the poor illusion finding it harder to be a part of the enigmatic audience, rather than one of the players.


Nisa (Totally in gushylove with Nisa. Y'know, the sort that might involve two lovers sitting around, commenting endlessly on things like; "You're cute. No, you're cute. No, you're cute!" It's disgusting. Really and truly. I keep wanting them to do cool things-- like the couple from "Mr and Mrs Smith," but my efforts are to no avail.)

Hokuto (What began as a brief sort of maternal relationship was swiftly harried along the path to lovers, by Hokuto's odd nature. But with just as quick a turn of events, any sort of emotion was soured by the woman's rapid departure from the island.)

Seishi (In a strange sort of way, Iessica looks up to Seishi-- I mean, the woman's cool! Not that, y'know, she's had more than two or three sentences with the woman. But I donno; I've never chatted with Nathan Fillion, and I still think he's a!)

breisleach (Iess holds breis in a similar light as Seishi...but it's a more tempered respect, formed of dialogue and actions, rather than superficial appearances. Although her like for breis could be considered rather mature, the girl's actions around the older woman often exemplify her silliness (in stark contrast to the immature respect but mature act put on for Seishi).)

Mirabelle (More a good friend, than anything else; Mirabelle provides a familiar face and a joyful attitude wherever she can be found. While Iessica certainly finds Mira to be a charming and wondeful person, Fenestra's absolutely taken in by her; be they shinies, scraps of food, or silly little presents, Mira's never failed to give the little shapeshifter something that might demand his wandering attention.)

Juliet (Perhaps Iessica's first foray into the frightening world of polyamorous relationships. Her feelings are mixed, both regarding the concept of poly anything, and Juliet herself-- though she tends to agree favorably with the latter, and lesser so with the former. That being said, Iess would, like Mirabelle, speak especially highly of Juliet.)

Matthias (Although Iess finds the furry little mouse cute and adorable, Fenestra's the one here who really enjoys her company. I donno, I guess the bestial shapeshifter has a sort of affinity with animals? Well, that, but also because Matthias may very well be one of the few companions Fenestra can chat with, who'll never tell him to shut up. At least, not in a way he can understand.)

Kishin (Similarly, Fenestra likes Kishin-- although this may be less for the "captive audience" factor, and a sort of "bonnie and clyde" thing. In either case, Fenestra's seemed to back off on his pranks, as he tries more and more to persuade Kishin to be with him when he does them-- or worse, help him with said pranks. In either case, the little dragon seems to've tempered Fenestra's rather hyper nature, keeping him somewhat calm when near.)

Myria (A spider. Don't ask me, I honestly don't know. Though I am frightened; I've received word (from a fairly reliable source) that after Myria's Christmas gift, the spider might want a love child. Which scares the heck out of me, when you consider the physiological implications.)

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