
Female is a term used to describe the dominant Domain of species in Yuriba. As all life in Yuriba is female, the trait is assumed to apply to all denizens of the island.


The physical characteristics of females vary given that the Femina domain encompasses innumerable species within species. For example, human female (Homo femina sapiens), cat-human female (Homo femina felis), dryad female (Homo femina plantae), and other similar species are considered to be subspecies of the humanoid female (Homo femina) due to their physical similarity. This holds true for other fauna as well. However, all species of female are instantly recognizable by their genitalia, most of which are internalized. All females are capable of bearing children.

Females in similar memetic groupings (for example, within the grouping of humanoid female (Homo femina)) are capable of reproducing with each other regardless of subspecies due to their similar memes. For more on this process, see Memetic exchange.

Note on males

Males (Homo vir) are not native to Yuriba but are considered to be a unique species of female. A majority of locals are unaware that males are naturally unable to incubate a fetus; natives will usually insist if asked that two men are capable of breeding through memetic exchange. There has yet to be an instance in Yuriba of two males reproducing memetically.

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