Anna Toshiba
Anna Toshiba was born on the island. Daughter of Emi and Falcio, she was conceived while her parents were on a vacation on the caraibic island of Anguilla, but seen fetal development on Yuriba. Somehow influenced by the magic of the island, or perhaps by that of her mother’s womb, the girl’s body and mind grew to the biological age of 13 years just a day after her birth, like it previously happened for her step-sister Alice_Toshiba, conceived by two women.
She enrolled in the Rinkei Gakuen in November 2011; even if she is technically done with her regular studies, she often still visits the school to further expand her knowledge. The subjects she is more interested in are all those that involve magic. Fascinated by the stories of her Father's adventures, she decided to try and learn all that she can about spells and incantations, regardless of their type; however she has ended up focusing on her own style, loosely based on Control Magic.
As of 2016, Anna's body is biologically 18 years old, despite her petite stature. She has recently started helping her parents with their work at the Toshiba Market, where she can often be found despite not being as used to it as the other members of the Toshiba family.
As she has relatively recently started living, Anna seems to be curious about pretty much everything, probably feeling an absolute thirst for knowledge since she has little experience about most things. Despite having been taught not to be rude, she is likely to ask people weird questions whenever she feels curiosity towards something. Even though she still feels, at least at first, a bit shy towards strangers, she is rather talkative and will usually be open with anyone as long as she has no reason to think that she can’t trust them. Although her inexperience will cause her to often look naive, Anna is actually quite smart and can be able to come up with very complex theorems. For now, the only people that she seems to trust with her life are her parents and her sister, Alice_Toshiba. Always cheerful and friendly, Anna is rather easy to communicate with, but is wary about the fact that some people on the island looks down upon her for living with the only heterosexual family on the island.