OOC:Census/2011 form
(Redirected from Census/2009 form)This survey is intended to be filled out _in character_, and if you have multiple characters, please, fill it out for each of them. Completed forms can be either a) @mailed to breisleach, or b) emailed to breisleach at gmail dot com - Receipt via email is VASTLY preferred. Deadline this year is November 5th!
This year's participation bribe: Every THIRD form I receiver will get to pick either a bottle of one of the elemental girl springs (dryad, sylph, naiad, salamander, light, dark) or 5 random tarot cards. If your form is a third, I will page or @mail you to let you know to pick your bribe. ;)
Full Name:
Birth race and/or Species:
Current Race and/or Species:
Do you have a Jusenkyou curse/blessing?
-If so, which one?
-Did you previously have a different blessing?
-If so, which one(s)?
Religion :
Sexual Orientation (Select One):
[ ] - Lesbian
[ ] - Bisexual, female bias
[ ] - Bisexual
[ ] - Bisexual, male bias
[ ] - Straight
[ ] - Pansexual
[ ] - Asexual
[ ] - Other (Please Specify)
[ ] - I don't believe in orientations
Place of Origin (Specify country, world, and dimension if possible) :
Level of Education (Select One):
[ ] - None at all
[ ] - Self taught, or other non-traditional form of education
[ ] - Enrolled In/Some Grade School
[ ] - Completed Grade School Only
[ ] - Enrolled In/Some Middle School
[ ] - Completed Middle School
[ ] - Enrolled In/Some Junior High
[ ] - Completed Junior High Only
[ ] - Enrolled In/Some High School
[ ] - Completed High School Only
[ ] - Enrolled In/Some Undergraduate College
[ ] - Completed Undergraduate Degree Only (If willing, please specify what in)
[ ] - Enrolled In/Some Graduate Level Studies
[ ] - Completed Master's Degree
[ ] - Completed Doctorate
[ ] - Other (Please specify or elaborate)
Languages Spoken :
Do you have any physical or mental disabilities?
-If so, what are they?
Do you have any special powers or abilities?
-If so, what are they?
Are you trained in the use of magic?
-If so, what style?
Relationship Status (Select One)
[ ] - Single, not looking , identify as monogamous
[ ] - Single, looking, identify as monogamous
[ ] - Single, not looking, identify as polyamorous
[ ] - Single, looking, identify as polyamorous
[ ] - Married, monogamous
[ ] - Committed, monogamous
[ ] - Casual, monogamous
[ ] - Married, polyamorous
[ ] - Committed, polyamorous
[ ] - Casual, polyamorous
[ ] - Other (Please Specify if possible)
Number of serious relationships you have had while living in Yuriba:
Number of times you have been married:
-If you have been married, is/was it a monogamous or a polyamorous marriage?
-If the latter, how many people are/were in the marriage?
Have you ever been divorced?
Have you ever been widowed?
Do you have any children?
-If so, how many?
-Please list the gender and ages of your children.
-Were these children born on Yuriba?
Do you have any other relatives who are currently living in/have previously lived in Yuriba?
-If so, please list their name, gender, and relationship to you, and if these individuals are adopted or birth relations.
Type of Household you live in (Select One)
[ ] - I sleep outside and/or in hotels, I do not have a regular household
[ ] - I live alone
[ ] - I live with a romantic partner or partners
-How many partners?
-Are you married to this/any of these partner(s)?
[ ] - I live with roommates (people who are not related to me by birth or adoption and are not romantically involved with me).
-How many roommates do you have? (Do not count yourself)
-Are any of your roommates romantically involved with one another?
[ ] - I live with members of my family (by birth or adoption).
-Which family members live with you?
[ ] - My household is some combination of the above situations. (Please provide specifics)
[ ] - None of the above options fit me. (Please provide specifics)
Any comments or elaborations can be noted in the space below.