Shoujo-Ai MUSH 'who' List

(2025-03-13 01:40)

Name            Alias    On For Idle Location
Katerina Kat 00:00 19s The Baby Seal(#17298RanJ)
Allya Aly 01:34 23m The Baby Seal(#17298RanJ)
Wenma 03:33 3h Living Room(#19351RLAJ)
Tokiko 03:52 30m The Baby Seal(#17298RanJ)
Rae R 04:10 1h Living Space(#17899RXAJ)
Akagawa 04:13 2h The Baby Seal(#17298RanJ)
Hikari Kari 04:57 13m The Baby Seal(#17298RanJ)
Monica Moni 10:01 10h Jubilee's Residence - Living Ro(#8513RAJ)
Yuriko Y 10:11 9h ---
Charmy charm 1d 08:05 7h Bridge Over the River
Nagisa_Vendaris N 5d 01:53 3d Livingroom(#13566RLaJ)
Sielle cl 8d 03:00 2h The Baby Seal(#17298RanJ)
Jaye 8d 04:05 47m ---
Rinne Rinny 9d 03:20 9d Rinne's Room
Tanjiko tan 9d 03:21 1d Leona's Bar and Girl
Eiko 11d 23:32 2m Ship's Hall -Heart of Fire-
Kezzy kez 72d 23:17 3h Living Room(#19351RLAJ)
Ada AV 120d 11:11 23h Living Room(#19351RLAJ)
Felurian fel 368d 14:52 368d Felurian's Glade
There are 19 players connected.
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